☠︎︎🩺 ten

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"I don't believe he's coming."

I stood up from the bed, going over towards Aleksandr. I take his hand and saw him look up at me with an odd look.

The look was that of...almost annoyance, but not towards the human who disrespected him. He seemed more annoyed with me than anyone else.


"You aren't actually upset he didn't show up, right?" I ask him in confusion, watching glare at me. "You can easily punish him, don't ever forget about that."

"Punish, punish, punish. I'm not trying to do that. I'm trying to do this right. If I hurt him like you did your pets, he'll never fall in love with me. And he's not your pet, you're not allowed to do anything to him until I say." Aleksandr looks up at me in all seriousness. "He's not like your pets, I can tell."

"How so?"

Aleksandr waves me off, grabbing his robe as he pulls it on now. When before, he was completely naked.

His plan was to command Damon to sit in here and watch us have sex. He'd have to watch the person who is mine, be fucked by me. Not him, but me.

That's exactly what I wanted...I couldn't ask for better. I want that human to know that Aleksandr is all mine. I'm not sharing him whatsoever.

Yet...I can tell that he's not normal. Normal in the sense that he's not doing what all the previous pets did.

I haven't gotten one hint or feeling that he feels anything for Aleksandr. I don't know how...who wouldn't love him?

He's so charming and his beauty can't be compared to anyone I know. Elio...is no match, so if he wants to like Elio, he can. I want him to accept and take that downgrade.

Maybe Aleksandr will get so upset and kill him!

No...I doubt it now.

It angers me that he's willing to do all of this for him. If he hates him, let him hate. Aleksandr can then be all mine. Except he's been so preoccupied on that piece of shit that I'm not getting what I want anymore out of this.

Damon has barely been here...and he's already messing with the normalcy of this place.

It angers me to no end.

"Where are we going?" I ask Aleksandr as he grabs my hand. Pulling me out of our bedroom, we are suddenly in front of Damon's bedroom door. "Oh? I see. You want to bring it here, right?"

"I told him if he didn't listen that I'd gladly bring it to him. He thought I was playing. My stupid Лапушка." He hisses, that smile that he forces on taking over his face.

I could tell that he was feeling more anger than he usually ever does. I don't want to ever see him so upset. Not to mention that it's a human doing that to him? That infuriates me even more because it doesn't need to be this way.

We can just kill him and buy a new one.

It won't be that hard to do...it won't be hard at all. I'd gladly do it.

Except he won't let me.

Aleksandr opens Damon's door, and we walk in.

I saw him, Damon, just sitting on his bed. His eyes set on me first before he moved them onto Aleksandr in displeasure.

Anyone who dares look at Aleksandr like that deserves to have their eyes gouged out. How could you look at him like that? How can you not look at him like he isn't the most beautiful person in this world?

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