☠︎︎🩺 twenty one

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"You're here?"

I ignored the human keeper who was clearly disturbed that I was back.

"Did...Damon already-?"

"Damon isn't my pet and don't ever mention his name in front of me." I hiss in disgust, watching him lower his head immediately. I heard him apologize in muttered whispers as I look around the place.

Noticing the humans that were locked up in their cages, their collars tethered to the floor. I usually...didn't make the choice for this.

Aleksandr would come and make the choice, and I'd call the pet mine. The human would be under my name, so they were my property - I could do whatever I wanted with them despite him choosing them. I've never made such a choice.

Not to mention I don't care to be here, but...Aleksandr insisted.

After our argument last night, I don't want to anger him like that again. Where he spouts such lies...worrying me and such.

"Do you...?" I began to hear that same pathetic voice from the keeper as I could smell him come make his way towards me. "Still have the same preferences as before?"

"Those were Aleksandr's preferences, never mine." I state, sighing as I was becoming irritated. "I don't know what the hell I'm looking for! I don't need a pet, I'm only here to-!"

I stop, forgetting where I am.

"You wouldn't get it. All you do is sell humans, you don't know what it's like to have these struggles." I groan, sighing as I ignore the look the keeper began to gave me.

"You are so insensitive."

My eyes widen, watching as the keeper's eyes did too. He rushed over to the cage behind me as I turned, seeing green eyes already on me.

He had black hair and fair skin, but it was slightly tanned. This human didn't look like the other ones, he didn't look like shit yet. He must've not been here for too long.

This human was...appealing to look at and healthy. No obvious scars or bruises, and no one seems to have drank from yet. He doesn't smell bad either...

His mouth is as big as Damon's though.

"Are you talking to me?"

"Yes, who else would I be talking to?" The human looks me up and down like I was stupid. "What a dumb question."

"Ignore him, please," The keeper practically begs me, kicking the cage some as the human stood his ground, "He was just found. He was one of the humans that has been living freely and had yet to be caught initially; so, he lacks home training."

"You speak of me like I'm some kind of dog, as if you aren't human too, you piece of shit." The human snaps at him. "Why are you doing this? We should be trying to fight for our rights, our humanity back! Why are you contributing to this evil?"

The keeper avoids looking at him, but I was stuck looking at him.

He...entertained me. Not to mention he smelled nice, and he wasn't broken down and mangled.

I want...a distraction from Aleksandr's deeds. I can tell that whatever he is doing now, it's not in favor of us; but in favor of him. I won't impede on what he does because I know it makes him happy, or...whatever it makes me feel.

If I think about it too much I'll interfere again, and he'll be cruel to me again.

I don't want that.

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