Chapter 1

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Routines is something I value a lot, it makes things easier knowing exactly what I'm going to do each day. Right now now I am making my way towards my park, well I don't own it but I am the only one that goes there. In my five years of going there every second day I've never seen anyone else there. I continue walking holding my tote bag tightly not wanting it to slip off my shoulder.

Soon I reach the overgrown park I've come to love over the last years, mostly due to the fact that it always seems to have butterflies floating and swaying around in the air.

For me butterflies are the most beautiful and ethereal creatures, they are my muse, the only subject I have ever drawn or painted. Both my parents have tried to get me to paint other things saying that my skills are perfect for portrait paintings but I've never been interested,my muse is the brightly colored animals dancing around in the sky and will always be.

I sit down on the bench I have claimed as my own, it's also the only one that is still intact the others all are really worn down and is basically falling apart. I instantly spot a monarch butterfly, they are quite common around here but no matter how many of them I have seen they always are pretty to me. A smile makes its way onto my face as I just sit here watching.

For the next hour I sit and watch, memorized and inspired for my next painting.

Suddenly I hear someone walking, I turn to see a guy around my age. Utterly confused on how he found this secluded park I begin to frown and become upset with the fact this stranger disturbed my butterfly watching.

"Sorry this seems to be the only proper bench." The guy says as he sits down next to me on the bench, not replying I turn back to watching the sky but my mind keeps drifting to the stranger next to me.

Ughhhh, why did he need to disturb me, I was enjoying myself and now I am just uncomfortable. I have never been good with people not even when they don't say anything just their presence makes my skin crawl.

I take a quick glance at him, at least he doesn't look like a axe murderer, but you never know. He does have really pretty blue eyes though, a Northern Blue butterfly blue to be exact, that is my older brother Ezekiel's favorite one. But I don't say that, usually people find my butterfly obsession weird, so I keep my thought to myself.

We both still in silence for the next thirty minutes until the strangers phone rings, an absolute annoying ringtone might I add. He doesn't answer though but doesn't decline at just lets it ring, staring at the phone displaying the name Oscar on it. Beyond annoyed after the phone starts to ring again I know I have to say something before my eardrums start to bleed.

"Can you please turn that off? The song is quite annoying and loud, and loud noises scares them." I say while pointing to the butterflies now flying a different direction.

"Oh yeah sorry, I kinda zoned out." He says and turns his phone off. "Thanks" I mumble, knowing my mom would lecture me if I didn't use my manners.

I wonder what this Oscar person wants to tell the stranger next to me, it must be important if he called twice, but at the same time it's none of my business.

Sighing when I realize the butterflies have all gone away. " I didn't know they get scared by loud noises, I am sorry." The strange guy speaks up again, I just look at him confused. " I saw the way you were looking at them, you seem completely in trance by them, that and the crazy amount of butterfly merch you're wearing."

I look down at what I am wearing, I personally don't see a problem with my shirt that has an embroidery of butterflies and besides my grandma made it for me for Christmas last year. " Not like in a mean way, I mean I realized you clearly like them a lot, so I am sorry I made them fly away." He quickly says.

I truthfully didn't expect this apology but I definitely appreciate it, " Thank you, and yes they get scared at loud noises like your terrible ringtone." The last bit I say with a little bit of disgust as the song replays in the back of my head.

He laughs but I don't think he realizes I am incredibly serious.

I check the time and see it's time for me to leave. I get up and start to walk away, but quickly get stopped by the annoying guy, " I didn't get your name, I am Logan by the way."

"You didn't ask" I say, why is he trying to talk to me? " Then, what's your name?" Logan ask.

"Angélique, and please excuse me but I have to get home." I quickly say and start walking fast. I hear him yell to have a good day but I just ignore him. What a peculiar guy.

The moment I get home I head towards the kitchen, " Your home later than usual, and I know how much you hate being out of routine." My mom says when she spots me walking towards the fridge to get some water. She is completely right I am beyond irradiated by this Logan for disrupting my routine.

"Well if it wasn't for this incredibly insufferable annoying guy Logan I wouldn't and the butterflies wouldn't have let but no he doesn't know how to silence his ringtone." I reply.

" A guy?" My mom questions exited, of course that is all she got from that. Instead of replying I go to my room to calm down. Maybe some painting would help, but after an hour I painted a Northern Blue and when I am done I crumble the page throwing it away, for some reason can't stand looking at that butterfly anymore.


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