Chapter 4

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Ah yes its Mac and cheese day, this became my tradition exactly 10 years ago in the summer, I had it for the first time and ever since then I begged my parents to take me here as often as possible.

Some would say it's completely absurd eating Mac and cheese basically every day, I call it a well thought out routine. You see, I go there every second day, my brother drops me off while he goes and play tennis with his friends for exactly 2 hours and 3 minutes. Also,Uncle Rick knows to exactly put the right amount of cheese on mine, which is usually more than the normal ones and his wife always gives me handmade poly more clay butterflies in exchange for drawings of butterflies. I have a routine and it works.

So you must understand the moment I saw none other than park boy, also known as Logan, sitting in my spot conversing to uncle Rick I was not only just a little bit irritated no, I was furious.

"Get out of my seat" I furiously said, looking at Logan who for some reason has an annoying smile on him, making me even more angry at the situation, is he enjoying this? My question is quickly answered as his smile drops the moment he realizes I'm upset.

"Fuck, I'm sorry Angélique, I didn't know this was your spot, I just asked Uncle Rick where you usually sit, I didn't know he would give me your exact seat." He says as he gets up and move to the seat on the other side of the table.

I shoot uncle Rick a dirty look as he sends me a smile and thumbs up, with his wife behind him wiggling her eyebrows. I have never understood old people, and I never will.

I take my seat, highly uncomfortable as Logan is now sitting across from me. This day is usually just me and my delightful Mac and cheese and he just had to spoil it by being here at the same time as me. Quite the appetite spoiler if you ask me.

"Sooo, this is where you are if not at the park?" Logan ask. " Yes, you know this, I told you, which seemed to have been a mistake." I say bitterly. I know I must sound extremely mean but I don't care, my routine is now completely messed up and I don't like at all. " I'm sorry" he sighs, " I.. I don't know, I just wanted to get to know you more and what the Mac and cheese you love so much taste like, but I can see how I overstepped a boundary and should have asked first" he says and starts to get up.

I make no effort to stop him, until Uncle Rick sent me a disapproving look. Sometimes I don't process human emotions correctly, so I for one didn't see anything wrong in him leaving, but according to uncle Rick and the teenage girl with neon yellow hair both giving me a look of " stop being so mean, he apologized look", apparently I read the situation wrong or something so practicing me people skills and knowing it will make my mom happy I stop Logan from leaving.

"Wait!" I say, and to be honest I don't know what to say because I didn't think I would actually do it.

"Umm.. you can stay I guess. But you have to get your own Mac and cheese I'm not sharing." I say the last part firmly making sure he hears, because that is non-negotiable. A wide smile spreads on his face as he sits down again and thanks me.

For a moment we just stare at each other, I once again take notice of his eyes, those magnificent eyes, that and the smile like lightly scattered around them. I seemingly for a moment get completely lost and it like everything else around me fades away. I quickly snap out of it, when our Mac and cheese is put on the table by Uncle Rick, telling us to enjoy it.

I stare down at my plate extremely confused about what just happened. I have never looked or observed anyone that way, and why do my cheeks feel warm all of the sudden? I distract my brain by eating my food.

On the other side of the table I hear a groan causing me to look up again, " You were right this is amazing! Although my trainer is gonna be pissed when he finds out I've been eating this many carbs."

"One thing you should know about me Logan is I'm never wrong. Also trainer?" I ask, I just can't keep my mouth shut can I.

" Yeah, I'm a formula one driver remember? We need to keep in shape, it's actually a really physical demanding sport."he sounds so passionate and excited when he talk about his job. I wonder for a moment if that's how I sound when I talk about butterflies.

I also quickly give him a once over taking in his physique, I mean he isn't lying it seems like he is in shape. When my eyes meet his again though, his cheeks also seem more flushed, maybe he is also warm like I was earlier for some reason.

He clears him throat and ask another question, " You paint right? Because I want to get my mom a portrait of our family for her birthday coming up, I would pay you of course, and you don't have to do it if you don't want to I just thought maybe" I cut of his rambling, " I do, although I usually only paint butterflies, but I guess it wouldn't hurt me if I painted a family portrait for you."

"Really?"he asks shocked, I just nod my head yes and go back to eating.

I honestly don't know why I said yes, I don't even like painting people. I came up with the conclusion I am doing this for his mom, even if I don't know her, I'm not doing it for him but for his mom. Yes... yess, I say to myself trying to comprehend with all these emotions I've been feeling, not just now, but ever since Logan has come into my life.

Our conversation is cut short due to Logan's dad calling him due to something urgent, but just like always he call out to me before leaving the door, "Have a good day Angélique!" His obnoxious smile he always seems to have never leaving his face.

And without even noticing, a small smile made its way onto my face as well.


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