Chapter 7

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I sit silently watching the pedestrians crossing the road. I wonder where everyone is going, if the guy carrying a bunch of a dozen roses is giving it as a sweet gesture or as an apology gift, if young girl who happily eats her ice cream knows that her friend is trying to build up the courage to put his arm around her. So many questions yet I don't have the answers to any of them.

I stare at the steaming hot mac and cheese in front of me, apparently there is a new guy who is still learning his way working here, clearly hence the extremely hot mac and cheese. I am waiting for it to cool down properly.

What comes to my surprise though isn't the fact that the dish somehow doesn't look like it has been cooling for the last 40 minutes, but the person that walks through the door. Logan.

Of course I should have known by now that he and I are 'friends' and he always seems to want to talk to me, but I still find him a little weird due to the fact he is showing interest in, still after my many failed attempts to ignoring him, but for some reason I seem to not want to ignore him anymore.

He walks up to me and smiles, he sits down. For a moment we just look at each other, no words are shared yet, and it doesn't feel awkward, actually quite the opposite. That's one thing I do truly like about Logan, we don't need to talk at all to enjoy each other's company. We can find solace in each other's silence.

He breaks eye contact first, looking down at my steaming hot mac and cheese, questionably. "I have no idea what they did to it, but it's still really warm, and I have been trying to let it cool for like an hour at this point." I say, catching myself off guard as I was the first one to indicate a conversation this time. He seems to notice this too as a shocked expression covers his face but is quickly replaced by a bright smile.

"That is crazy, I kind of looks alive." he says looking waverly at the bowl. I let out a laugh, it kind of does look alive if I'm being honest. Logan gives me a look I can't really place, but I just brush it off.

"Yeah it does, oh and by the way when do you want that portrait done?" I ask, we haven't really discussed anything except that he wants a family portrait done of his family for his mother's birthday, and that is all I really know.

After a good five minutes of us discussing what he wants and also him sending the most adorable family picture he wants me to paint I get lost in my thoughts about the planning of the painting itself.

"You know, I was wondering if you maybe want to come to the beach with me and Oscar tomorrow, you can of course say no, I just thought that maybe-'' I cut off his nervous rambling, "I would love to go with you." I say, shocking both of us, for him I think he just did not expect me to say yes and for me it's because I actually hate going to the beach, but then why was I so eager to say yes to going with him and his friend?

"Oh that's great! I'll text you all the details and we will come and pick you up so just send me your address." Oh my I didn't even realize this would mean that he would have to come to my house, all of the sudden it makes it real, Logan isn't someone I see every few days, no we are actually friends well at least I think so.

"Of course, I'll just have to check with my mom if that is fine." I reply, trying to play it cool when in reality I am freaking out in my head.

He nods his head, he opens his mouth to start saying something but is cut short when the new waiter, Peter as his name tag reads, comes to our table.

"Hey, I just want to apologize about the mac and cheese it's my first day here and I can't even seem to be able to heat up an already cooked dish, I'll give you a refund." he says with a really apologetic look, I kind of feel bad for him. "Oh itś fine, no worries." I reply with a smile wanting him to know I am not that upset. "Oh thank god, the old lady over there almost through hers at me, I should probably get going back to the kitchen, but once again I'm super sorry." He says and quickly makes his way back to the kitchen.

I turn back to look at Logan only to see him frowning and looking upset with something. Now I am confused, why is he upset?I know I'm not good with other people's emotions but I don't think there is a reason why he would be upset, or is he upset with me? Ughh people are so confusing. "What's wrong?" I ask now with a frown on my face as well, I don't want to see him upset.

"It's just-" he runs his hand through his fluffy blonde hair, "Never mind, it's stupid, don't worry about it" He says while plastering a fake smile on his face. "Are you sure? I mean I know I am not the best company and hard to deal with sometimes so I get it if you're upset with me." I only ask because I know I can be considered weird to people.

"Angélique I would never be upset with you, and you should know by now I love your company, you're perfect don't say that again." He seriously said, giving me a pointed look. His words hang in the air as I try to comprehend what he just said. No one except my family has said something so nice about me. I feel my cheeks heat up once again. I look down at my lap, my hands fiddling with each other.

Why does he have to be so nice? Why can't he just be mean and ignore me like everyone else? Why does he need to make me feel this way?

I suddenly remember what my brother told me 'Just allow yourself to feel it' I hesitantly look up again only to see Loganś signature sly smile, "Thanks, I like your company too." You could have sworn I just told him he won the lottery with the way he was beaming the moment the words left my mouth. "Uhm it's just sometimes I struggle to understand people and their emotions." I truthfully admit. "You don't have to apologize for that, I get it." he softly says.

And just like when he first sat down we find comfort in the silence that fills the air


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