Chapter 6

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Logan's POV:

It has been a full week since I last saw Angélique, the Florida weather has been anything but kind these last few days. I wanted to go to Uncle Ricks since that is luckily inside, but the team has been on my ass, and had meetings the whole week. I stare at my ceiling wondering about how I so quickly became infuriated with this girl: a girl who seems to have no interest in me.

I hear my mom calling me to come downstairs, but I also hear another voice among my family, a very familiar Australian voice; Oscar.

I rush quickly downstairs to see none other than my best friend laughing at something my mom has said. I decided to stop being sour about the whole situation and text him back, he of course understood and said it is fine, and said he would have felt the same way. But I did not expect him to show up at my house. Nonetheless I am extremely glad to see him.

He sees me and his signature smile flashes across his face. We hug and for a moment everything feels like how it was before we joined F1, him spending every second summer at my house while his parents took their annual couples cruise. But we are not those little boys anymore, dreaming of making it some day, and his parents decided to stop the cruise, they rather prefer staying at home now. Nothing is the same, yet in this moment it feels like I was transported back in time, like when his parents dropped him off at our house for the summer.

''Surprise! I thought about spending a week or two here, I talked to your parents and they said it's fine, so ... .Ready to have the best two weeks of your life!''Oscar enthusiastically says, like we both don't know we are just going to lounge around my house and eat anything that remotely has some form of sugar in it.

''Of course man, I am so glad you're here'' I say and give him a pat on his back, and I am not lying, I truly am glad he is here.

Mom ushers me to take his bags to the spare bedroom, while she catches up with him, it's not like me and him are friends and I want to suspend time with him, and he came to see me. But I let my mom have her moment.

The moment I get back downstairs I completely regret leaving him with my mom, "When were you going to tell me you were in love, huh Logan?'' he asks with a smirk on his face, I should have known my mom would tell him.

To be honest I did not want to tell anyone about her, I wanted to keep her all to myself, our park meetups, the butterflies, and mac and cheese, but I guess it's too late.'' I'm not in love yet okay, I am just really interested in her." Oscar gives me a smirk. "Not yet huh?' he says smugly and I pick up the nearest pillow and start chasing him with it, "Shut up! As if you did not basically stalk Lily to get to know stuff about her because she did not use social media!" I yell as I chase him down the hallway.

I hear my mom yelling after us to not break her vase again, "That was one time Mrs. Sergeant!"Oscar yells back defensively. I will never forget how we tried to glue back my moms favorite vase after we broke it accidentally when we were playing tag when we were 10.

After our whole fiasco, me and Oscar make our way towards the park, much to my dismay. I wanted to spend time with Angélique alone, but I guess that is not happening, due to Oscar's ability of constant nagging to getting someone to agree with him. Truth be told I am extremely nervous, I am still a little on edge with everything, and what if she likes Oscar more than me, I mean it has been a recurring theme this year. For once I want to be the one wanted and not second place. So yeah I am nervous.

As we reach closer and closer to the park I see butterflies fluttering around in the sky, causing a smile to take over my face, knowing how happy Angélique probably is to see them again. I see Oscar giving me a questionable look, and I tell him he will see later. I see a blob of chestnut brown hair, moving around looking at the butterflies, she is truly captivated just like how I am with her.

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