Chapter 8

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It's the day of the beach trip. To say I'm not nervous would be a massive lie, I am extremely anxious and Logan just texted me they are on their way, so there is no backing out now. Unless I pretend to be deadly sick all of the sudden, but unfortunately I am absolutely terrible at lying.

I pick at the skin around my nails, the scabbing worse now than it was before, I only do it when I am extremely anxious which is like always but still it's a really bad habit.

I hear my mom excitingly calling me down, she is extremely excited I am going out with friends. Her over excitement makes me nauseous, I know she means good but it's just too much. I quickly gather my beach bag, and give myself a look over in the mirror. I have never felt any need to impress people with my appearance, but for some reason today I wanted to look normal, normal on the outside at least. As I make my way down the stairs, I can hear my mom enthusiastically talk to Logan and Oscar, asking them all sorts of imposing questions. I start walking faster wanting to stop her before she asks something personal like she always ends up doing.

"Mom we should probably go" I say to her, Logan turns his attention to me. He clearly did not hear me come down the stairs, he gave me a once over and suddenly I'm insecure about the way I look and I look down. He looks at me, and a side smile spreads across his face, I feel my cheeks get warm again, embarrassed I quickly get my water bottle.

And just like that we are out the door and in the car, Logan driving.

Oscar sits in the back for some reason, so I'm in the front with Logan. "So, what job do you do?"Oscar asks. "Oh, I'm an artist actually, I mostly do commissions for people but I also sell some of my art prints in local boutiques." I reply, "It's definitely not the most exciting job in the world but I love it, and it is certainly better than racing like you two do."

Both the guys start laughing at my statement,I do have a really strong distaste for anytype of driving if i'm honest, even just me sitting in the front seat today is a lot for me.

"I'm going to get you to like it one day, trust me, you just need to come to one of our races after summer break." Logan says clearly trying to persuade me, but even his dashing smile can't convince me of this. "Nice try, but the day you are able to do that is the day I die or lose my mind." I confidently say, knowing I will never agree to that. " I think Lily would like you" Oscar says from the back, "Who is Lily?" I ask. "The most wonderful girl on this planet, also known as my girlfriend."

I smile at the way he talks about her, and the way his eyes lit up when I asked who she was. I wish to have that some day, someone that cares so much about me, and talks about me like that when I'm not around to hear. I can just tell by that single sentence that he clearly loves his girlfriend a lot.

I look at the window as the beach comes into view, I don't live far from it. I know I agreed to this but know that the beach is in front of me I regret my decision to agree to come with. Out of the corner of my eye I see Logan give me a worrying look, he can clearly see how nervous I look. He parks and Oscar is out of the car swiftly saying he needs to get ' the best spot '. This however confuses me, cause there is literally no one except us by the look of it, this is a really secluded beach so it makes sense.

"I really hope you did not feel pressured to join us, I can see your nervousness. If you want I can take you home." Logan genuinely says no hint of making fun of me. " It's definitely out of my comfort zone but I want to spend time with you guys." I say, the last part making him give me a look I can't really place.

"Well if you at any moment don't feel comfortable or anything just tell me okay?" I nod my head, "I will, and beside I have you so i'll be fine."  I say, confirming that he does not have to worry about me. "Okay then let's go." He says and we make our way to the beach, our arms brushing against each other as we walk.

Sorry for the inconsistent updates, finals have been killing me, but after I'm done I'll definitely upload more. Love you lots❤️

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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