Chapter 3

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Logan's POV

I get home from the park after a while. I can't help but to think about Angélique, there is just something about her that draws me towards her, I have no idea what but I know I want to find out.

''Gonna tell me what's or who got my boy smiling like that?'' my mom asks , scaring me , I did not see her like at all. Ever Since my first day at the park my mother knows something is up apparently she calls it 'mother's instincts ' or something like that. ''Your just imagining things mom, I wasn't smiling'' I say defensively.

''Whatever you say, Logan.'' She says and gives me a total mom look of I know better than you, and leaves the living room, probably going to start dinner.

"You know mom is right with this one, even I noticed it, which says a lot'' My older brother, Dalton says smirking at me. It can't be that obvious can it? I mean I have only know her for three days, and that's not even considering the fact we have only had a few interactions. '' Well unlike mom I'm not going to pressure you to tell me but I will say, I have never seen you even smile at a girl like that so don't mess it up with your fuckboy tendencies okay?''

And just like that, it was like someone slapped me across the face with a reality check. I don't even know the girl that well but I know she deserves someone better, someone who hasn't slept with every girl that gives him attention. Fuck, I know me having a bad past would bite me in the ass someone day. I sigh, rubbing my hands over my face, I should just give up on this dream already, she doesn't deserve to be caught up in my disaster of a life, I am struggling keeping my F1 seat how will even be able to keep a girl as wonderful as her.

''Also when your done with you speaking and arguing with yourself in your brain , call Oscar for the love of god he's been blowing up my phone because you have apparently been ignoring him.'' my brother says before also leaving, making me sit alone with all my thoughts.

He's not wrong though , I have been ignoring Oscar, for a very petty reason if I am being honest with myself. Ever since joining F1  I have felt like he has been slowly replacing me with Lando, I know I am probably overthinking, but me and him have grown up together, he has been my best friend since day one , it has always been our dream to race in F1 together one day, yet when we got there I felt like he forgot about me. Canceling plans because Daniel and Max wanted to go out together to dinner with him, always busy with Lando, whether that be for work or just fun, I slowly started to feel alone in this whole thing, while he got all the support in the world.

I stand up going to our kitchen, and I am immediately hit with the smell of freshly baked bread and chili, over the season I have really missed my moms cooking.

Before i could even stop myself I asks probably the most stupid question ever to my mom, brother and dad, '' How do you even impress a girl? And I mean like actually without mentioning my money, fame or career, like I want to genuinely impress her, and I have no idea how because I have never needed to do that before.''

My dad chokes on the water he had been drinking, my brother looks like he has seen a ghost and my mom has never looked happier, Okay I know I don't have the best track record with girls but their reactions is a bit much.

" Oh this is wonderful! I knew one of these day you would finally come around to the idea of a girlfriend!" My mom exclaims giving me a hug, she wasn't even this happy when I told her I got a seat in formula one.

" Mom I barely even know her! Calm down!" " But you want to get to know her, huh..?" She wiggles her eyebrows and smirks. I just roll my eyes at her antics, this woman.

"Well back in my days, I bought your mom her favorite flowers, I noticed one day her saying to her friend she loves them, so ever since then I always bought her them." My dad says looking lovingly at my mom.

"What do I do though, she never mentioned her favorite flowers, she does however love butterflies like a lot, but what do I do with that information?"

" Oh my sweet dumb and plain idiotic brother" Dalton says and pats me on the back, but I'm just utterly confused, " Ask her about butterflies and what she knows about them, it will show your interested in the stuff she likes which therefore mean you are interested in her." He says in a matter of fact tone. Why didn't I think of that? Guess I was so intrigued by her I forgot to actually ask her stuff. I make a mental note to ask her about butterflies the next time I see her.

After a while of my whole family pestering my about Angélique, from her name, what she looks like to everything I know about her, they all finally calms down and we could eat dinner, and as always my mom have outdone herself.

I say night to my family and head towards my room, laying on my bed staring at my ceiling. My phone buzz and I see yet again another message from Oscar.

Hey mate, this is the last time I'm texting you since you clearly don't want to speak to me. I am sorry for whatever I have done you're my best mate and I don't want to lose you. I will give you all the space you need but I'm always here if you need to talk. Hope you are enjoying your break with your family and like always my mum sends love.

I put my phone down on the bed side table, am I a bad friend? But he was the one to replace me? I groan and turn my light off, wishing nothing more just to escape this world by sleeping.

Author here
Ahhh first Logan pov, I can't wait for you guys to read the rest of what I have planned!! Anyway thank you for all the support, love you lots🫶

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