ep. 22 ~ bones

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john b had to be the only member of the group excited about including sarah cameron, and he knew it.

pope and jj were mostly indifferent to the idea, but put off by the girls adamant distaste for sarah. even if they didn't know quite why they had such animosity for the kook princess.

kie hated sarah cameron and was truly desperate for them to find another way. Any other way. because facing sarah cameron meant facing the things she didn't like about herself.

and luna b? luna b wasn't even sure how she was going to look her old friend in the face.


the ride from rixton's cove to lookout point was tense to say the least. a solid ten minutes of driving, broken up only by john b's desperate attempts to endorse sarah cameron as a good person and jj's occasional innuendos about the pair.

kie seemed to prefer the innuendos.

pope and jj have the side door open before the twinkie's even rolled to a stop,

"we're goin' recon mission!" jj whoops as pope swings his legs out.

"yo, uh i think i'm gonna do this one by myself."

we all stop moving, everyone's attention swivelling to john b as he leans over the back of the drivers seat.

kie's stare is flat, suspicious and wholly unimpressed.

she rolls her eyes but sits back, apparently tired of fighting her best friend on this. even in the full glow the water damaged roof light she's beautiful, the flowers and tear drop earrings entirely at odds with her personality but still stunning.

"really?" jj asks, not even looking at JB. he's still wearing his suit, although the tie has long been discarded and the shoes swapped back for his beat up sneakers, a cap back on his unruly blonde hair. he's also beautiful, painfully so.

"what?" john b returns, tense.

"nah, nothing." jj shakes his head.

i choose to keep pointedly silent, opting to start rolling instead. once glance at pope's scrunched face and i know he's choosing the silent path too.

"i don't want to spook sarah with the peanut gallery."

i wince despite myself and murmur "rude."

jj snickers.

at the same time pope goes, "okay! you do realise where that terms originates from, right?"

john b scrambles to apologise past pope's rambled history lesson and kie's weighted gaze. i think, this time around though, even kie, ms. morality herself, is more concerned about sarah's involvement than the racist undertones of john b's last comment.

i'm proved right as she jumps in, voice rising above us, "i just don't understand why we're involving her at all."

"kie, we're not involving her, okay?" john b is starting to sound so genuinely exasperated i almost feel back for him.

"it-it's just a- a business meeting... thing."

his stuttering doesn't help his case.

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