ep. 5 ~ under the bed

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Luna Bliss Rush wasn't afraid of much but one thing that did make her nervous was cops. And not the prospect of cops potentially catching her, but the presence of cops near or actually with her. Maybe it was because of her mother's alcoholic tendencies but, whether Luna herself realised it or not, Kiara knew it more likely had everything to do with the incident two summers ago and less to do with her mother's ways. Ways Kiara wasn't even aware of yet; an ignorance that Luna planned on Kiara keeping.

Actually, Luna planned on keeping everyone ignorant. About everything. She didn't particularly care how distant this could keep her from her new friends, or how hard it mighty actually be to keep such secrets because if Luna Bliss Rush was anything, she was stubborn. She was particularly stubborn with herself and so she had her heart already set on this task of keeping this group clueless about her issues and it wasn't going to change any time soon.

Or so she had hoped.


The stairs up to the balcony that was the front of the second floor were in just as bad shape as the rest of the joint. Several times I found myself scared to step on a particularly cracked or damp looking step. So it was with great difficulty and discomfort that I made it up to the second floor with JJ and John B.

Even more mattresses are stood out to dry along the railing and several broken appliances sit along side them, honestly I'm worried that moving my arms to far to the right might misbalance everything and send several objects clattering to the ground bellow, completely blowing our cover and making our slightly illegal activities known to those around. So I walk pretty much with my hands at my sides.

JJ however, just in front of me where he's walking next to John B, is flailing his arms about all over the shop and practically bouncing along the balcony. Part of me wants to send him clattering to the ground bellow.

"Just be so careful John B." Moans JJ in a bad attempt at Kiara's voice whilst smothering his best friend with slightly uncomfortable romantic style attention. I can only grimace slightly, laughing when John B shoves him away, presumably have an expression that somewhat matches mine.

"That's a shitty impression man." I laugh at his expense.

JJ half turns back towards me with an incredulous expression, "I'm incredible at impressions, actually."

"Alrighty then." I roll my eyes, holding my hands up in mock surrender, leaving the boys to it as we meander our way along the row of doors. John B shoots me a pleading look as JJ continues but I just shrug in response and mouth "you're best friend."

"What the heck was that about though bro?" He pushes John B who's hurrying ahead, trying to distance himself from the odd blonde.

"I don't know! Maybe she wants us to be careful." John B rolls his eyes, throwing his hands in the air, "we are taking her best friend with us after all." He points back at me.

"Ay, don't drag me back into what I just got out of." I protest, prompting JJ to brush past my presence and return to his teasing.

"Nah, since she heard you're being threatened with exile, she's just been, like," JJ morphs his voice into a ridiculous, girly high pitch and starts to massage John B's shoulders (to prove what point I don't know) "oh! Be so careful John B."

"Get off." John B seems to be growing even more tired of JJ's nagging as he shoves his arms off and walks even faster away. "You." He then turns back to glance at me again, "are so not helpful either."

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