ep. 3 ~ stunts and apologies

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Luna was right; Agatha really was a rough one, but most people had pulled through and the only real damage done was a couple missed work days to clear up various uprooted trees and run away roofs.

The dark clouds and raging winds had given way to a calm blue sky and dry, warm air - a typical after hurricane day. It did however mean Luna was awoken rather rudely by three things instead of the usual one or maybe two.

The first was the usual: sun rising and cutting through the window above her head with a bright light.

The second was the cockerel John B apparently owned which insisted on cock-a-doodle-dooing when the sun was hardly even in the the same hemisphere.

And the third was John B himself stumbling from his room and tripping over things, before he even greeted her or JJ.

Normally these events really wouldn't have impressed Luna, and she wasn't greatly pleased with them as it was but since they were her new friends and she had crashed at an almost total strangers house the previous night she knew she couldn't really complain.

She could, however, bury her face deeper in the pillow that smelt vaguely of mildew and stale bread, or possibly Chinese? It was hard to tell.


"Yo JJ, you been outside?" I hear John B asks JJ on his way past the boys room,

"I have polio bro, I can't walk." Mumbles JJ just loud enough for me to hear from the couch and I let out a little snort, even if John B rolls his eyes and continues bast him.

He stops by my couch, leaning down and ruffling my hair, another brotherly gesture, and greeting me with "morning B, you been any more active than JJ?"

I shake my head, burrowing further into the couch and sweatshirt I was supplied with in an attempt to remove myself from the day.

I head John B's footsteps retreat and the screen door swing shut behind him cutting if his yawn and accompanying "oh man-"

I'm settling down comfortably again when I hear JJ shuffle in and the fridge open, "you want to join me for a nice, cold morning beer?" He asks, I shake my head again and still don't move. This mess of a couch is surprisingly comfy.

"Suit yourself." JJ replies to my unspoken denial and follows John B outside, the screen door clicking shut again.

Figuring it's about time I got up I swing myself info a sitting position and yawn, rubbing at my eyes in an attempt to fully wake myself up. It's already pretty warm and I find the sweatshirt sticking to me almost uncomfortably, damn I wish I had some of the clothes out of my truck. But hey, nothing that can be done about it now.

i'm also aware just how brutally tangled my hair must be right now and set about running my fingers through it roughly, wincing every time i hit a knot.

Standing on wobbly legs and pretty painfully bruised feet I make my way outside in time to catch the porch door after JJ heads down the steps towards John B who's pulling branches out of his boat, aptly named the HMS Pogue I notice with a chuckle.

"What you thinkin'?" Asks JJ when he gets to the boat John B's now climbing into.

"I'm thinkin' that storm surge pushed all the crabs down to the marshes, all these drum are gonna chase the crab." John B answers, still throwing sticks out of the boat that JJ's now leaning on.

I cross my ankles and lean back against the door, "so it's fishin' time boys!" I grin down at them.

John B clicks his fingers and points to me, but JJ frowns looking back from me to John B, "what about the DCS, wasn't that today?"

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