Info part 2

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Heyo! I've got some info about my story-

Okey so in my story Butterflies and dragons are pretty important

butterflies symbolizes beauty, freedom, vulnerability of life and rebirth. They are also delicate like Y/n's personality and how she acts (she will be swearing but that's beside the point). It's also  the representing the Yin symbol in the balance

Dragons symbolizes strengh, power and bravery. They are also the Yang part in the balance like Lloyd who is the light in the dark

Both Y/n and Lloyd will have a tatoo on their back with halh of their symbol and other half of the other one for example: Left Butterfly wing with other wing as a dragon

For Y/n: Right wing dragon, left wing Butterfly

For Lloyd: Right wing Butterfly, left wing dragon

{examples of the tatoo in the chapter cover tho it doesn't need to be those one everyone are free to imagine their own}

Both of the do not know about the tatoo because it will appear later in the story

| Yes I know that irl Butterfly isn't the Yin symbol but it's changed for the purpose for the story so no hate please |

Also I'll try to post the new chapter today plus I do have plan for chapter 2,3,4, and 5 so yeah-

Also I'll try to post the new chapter today plus I do have plan for chapter 2,3,4, and 5 so yeah-

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Those are ideas and plan what needs to be happening in the chapters

Alright see you later byeee

My Princess | Fem!readerxLloydWhere stories live. Discover now