21. The Night

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Pov. Y/n

I was sitting on my bed fixing one of my bandages and enjoying the fact that I'm finally home and in a normal bed rather than a cold dirty floor. I sighed quietly and reached to turn off my bed lamp when Lloyd suddenly came into the room startling me.

"Lloyd?? Did something happen?? You should be in bed recovering... How are you out of bed anyway? I'm sure the poison is still working-" I asked confused, Lloyd had bags under his eyes and looked horrible... he had multiple bandages on him... his facial expression showed that he was very weak and in pain. Then how did he get here? Shouldn't the team watch him??

"Lloyd? Are you there? What's wrong...?" I asked softly. He didn't respond, he was just looking at me like a small curious child. He's so adorable like that... but why doesn't he talk??

He suddenly closed the door, walked up to my bed got on it and crawled up to me. He then layed down next to me and hugged me in waist. Okey I am so confused-

I patted his hair gently because I had no clue what to do with him now, he looks so content next to me and I don't wanna ruin that...

Suddenly Kai bursted into the room with slightly panicked face

"I'm sorry for disturbing you Princess but have you by any chance saw Lloyd? He sneaked out of our room-" He said quickly, I grabbed the covers and uncovered Lloyd who was near falling asleep.

"He's here- he came like 5 minutes ago..." I said quietly. Kai sighed quietly and walked up to Lloyd.

"I am so sorry Princess... I'll get him to our room and try to keep him there so he won't disturb you anymore, you're probably tired after all of this..." Kai said and gently grabbed Lloyd to get him off of me, but Lloyd wouldn't budge

"Come on Lloyd, It's not time for messing around-" Kai said trying to get Lloyd but Green Ninja just hugged me tighter. I looked at both and stopped Kai

"Alright stop it- It's not gonna workout.." I said and put my hand in his arm. He looked at me and backed away slightly

"You sure? We don't wanna disturb you more-" He said while looking at us both. I nodded and smiled softly

"Don't worry about it, he can stay here it's not a problem. Go to sleep alright? You guys need rest too-" I said quietly. Kai bowed down to me

"As you wish" He said and turned around to leave

"Hey Kai-" I stopped him

"Yes Princess?" He asked turning to me

"You and others can call me Y/n, and please... don't bow down to me- I'm a friend..." I said with a smile. He smiled back

"Gotcha Y/n, I'll see you tomorrow. We have to get the antidote for Lloyd" He said and left. I looked at Lloyd who already fell asleep and smiled. I turned off the lights and fell asleep next to love of my life. Despite short time I'm sure nothing will tear us apart.


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