23. The talk.

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Pov. Y/n

I had the same dream as before. Beautiful and warm summer day, me leaning against the blossom cherry tree with a book in one hand and the mystery boy peacefully sleeping on my lap. I wondered if it was a vision or my mind just playing tricks on me... I hoped that it was the first option-

I turned to the side to hug the boy next to me and frowned when I was met with the cold side again. I opened my eyes and slowly sat up. I looked around until my eyes landed on Lloyd. He was sitting on the end of my bed while hugging his knees

"Lloyd? Is everything okey...?" I asked softly and crawled up to him. He looked at me and sighed.

"I think we have to talk..." He started, I sat next to him with my legs out on the floor

"About what?" I asked with slight concern

"Well... About us I guess... mainly about the kiss..." he said quietly and I blushed slightly, true it was kind of not in place but then again something clicked that moment my lips connected to his soft ones...

"Don't get me wrong... I loved every second of it... but..." He started

"It was spontaneous?" I asked, he looked at me and nodded

"Yeah that..." He agreed

"Well... Then how you really feel? Like inside..." I asked, I hoped that he won't dump me right there because it would be very uncomfortable-

"I love you very much... despite the short time of knowing each other... It's like something is pulling me towards you.. and- every time I think about you I maybe have butterflies in my stomach..." Lloyd said the last part very quietly but my 'super hearing' caught it

"Awe... That's so sweet..." I said with a smile

"So I've been thinking... maybe... do you wanna take things slowly?" He said softly. I smiled and hugged him

"I would love that... but I want to create a nickname for you-" I said with a smirk, he sighed

"It would happen sooner or later- please just don't be like Kai- he's the worst at creating nicknames..." Lloyd said quietly, I just chuckled

"How about Greenie? Or beans-" I said with a smirk. Lloyd groaned quietly which made me laugh

"You could create so many yet you chose those..." He said quietly I kissed his cheek

"It suits you- 'The legendary Green ninja also know as beans and Greenie'" I said with a giggle and petted his hair. Holy fuck they are so soft waaaa!

"Ehh... could've been worse-" He said and stood up but then he started falling to the side like a ragdoll. My eyes widened and I quickly stood up and caught him in my eyes. He clinged to me and chuckled softly

"I forgot about that poison... damn my head hurts like hell..." He said softly. I helped him get back on my bed

"It seems that after the spell wore off the poison took over again..." I said worriedly and covered him with my blanket when he shivered

"I already hate it... how long will it last???" Lloyd said weakly

"You would have to get the antidote for it, it's on the Eclipse Island..." I said quietly and sat down next to him. Lloyd leant his head on my shoulder

"Oh... that's pretty long adventure huh...?" He said quietly and his eyes fell down. He started snoring quietly

"Yup... pretty long..." I said and started reading a book. It was still early..


I'm gonna post chapter to My beloved Misty tomorrow (I had a lot on my mind those few days and forgot about it sorry!)

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