27. Meanwhile in the Castle

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|Tw. 18+ jokes|

Pov. M/n

I walked onto my balcony and stared at the horizon when I heard someone behind me

"Lovely day right M/n?" I heard and turned around with a soft smile

"Hello Michael, long time no see" I said quietly and nodded which the boy returned with a kind smile

"How are Y/n and Lloyd?" I asked out of curiosity for my daughter and her friend. Mike smirked

"That Golden child is stubborn as always but your daughter is keeping him close so there's not much danger currently" Boy said with an amused smirk and I chuckled softly

"He has that stubbornness after his father and you know it... when will they get to the Eclipse Island?" I asked

"They should be there in about 2-3 days from now on- if there won't be any complications of course" Mike said after a few seconds

"That's good news..." I nodded at the information. Michael looked at me with curiosity

"Hey um- Y/n has the ring right?" He asked me awkwardly. I nodded softly

"Yes I packed it up mixed with her staff, she shouldn't find it quickly... but can you please make sure she will have it when they get to the island?" I asked him

"Yeah no problems, but you are aware of the vampire right? He is quite powerful..." Black haired boy asked me

"Yes I'm aware... Can I trouble you with protecting my daughter and her friends?" I asked softly with worried tone. Mike bowed down with a serious face

"Of course my Queen, I'll do everything in my power to make sure they are safe and protect them in case their paths cross." I nodded and watched Mike disappear into the purple mist

I sighed and walked out of my room and went to the throne room to see my sweet beloved husband sitting on his throne trying not to fall asleep but failing poorly

I smirked and sneaked up behind him. "Wake up hunny or you're gonna fall off your throne~" I said quietly which startled him anyway

"Ah! M/n... I didn't hear you coming..." He said with a smile

"You always don't hear me, but I'm sure everyone can hear you at night~" I said with a smirk which made him blush. Awe I love him so much~

"Hunny we're in public space right now..." I said quietly while giggling like a little child

"That didn't stop you all those 16 years ago~" I whispered making him blush more

"Alright that's enough-" He said while fake coughing and I sat down on my throne while still giggling

Done :D

I'm alive! Well kinda- My head still hurts but oh well-

M/n's dress and hairstyle in the media ^

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