Chapter 3

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At breakfast, Diana was still clinging to Charles. No one paid much attention to them. His brother, Andrew's wife, Sarah, gave Diana a sympathetic look, but that was it.

He scooped her up in his arms and sat her down in the chair. He piled her plate up with her favorites, and kissed her cheek, before he too, sat down next to her.

Then, his father, Prince Phillip, spoke up.

"There's been lots of terrorist attacks in France. Mainly by the ETA." he said, unaware that this would trigger Diana's severe trauma.

Diana screamed in terror. Her eyes were wide with panic. Her face turned pale. Her body started shaking. She was sweating.

She gasped for air. She couldn't breathe.

"Pleasestoppleasestoppleasestop" Diana muttered, tears starting to stream down her face. Her hands shot to her hair, clutching it tightly.

Diana fell to the ground, and curled up into a ball, sobbing and rocking back and fourth.

Her thoughts raced

Help me help me help me help me

Now everyone was starting. Most of the family, especially Sarah and Charles, looked heartbroken and worried. Her boys- her precious boys- looked terrified. Prince Phillip was doing his best to stay calm.

But one person looked furious.

Queen Elizabeth.

" What. The. Hell. Was. THAT?!"

The queen growled, her voice full of annoyance.

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