Chapter 9

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Charles glared down at Josu's dead, bleeding body. He deserved this, and Greg had told him there was a river nearby.

Sam dragged the body to the river and threw it in. The current swept it downstream and the body fell down the waterfall. Never to be found.

And hopefully, ends up rotting in a sewer.

The 5 men left the area and went back inside. Sam had already offered to take the blame, after all, he had a history of killing rpists. And that's what that monster Josu was. Charles was glad he was dead.

Charles turned to them

"Sam, thank you for disposing of him. If you want a reward, I can offer it to you."

Charles was being genuine. But he already knew what reward Greg would get.

Sam shook his head. He didn't need a reward. The reward was justice being served.

"Not thank you... I'm fine by myself sir." Sam looked at the river, seeming relieved Josu was gone. For good. Dead.

Charles turned to Greg. He felt a pang of sympathy and he knew what he should do.

"Sir, what hospital is your daughter at?"

"Alder Hey Children's Hospital, Liverpool." Greg responded.

Charles smiled at him.

"And room?"


Charles nodded.

"Well Greg, I promise you that you will get a... significant reward"

Charles returned to the palace the next morning. Diana was curled up under the bed in fear. He felt a pang of guilt, leaving her alone, but he didn't want her to have to see another dead body, even if said perosn rped her. Diana has been through enough, he didn't want to cause her any more pain. He'd never want to do that. He wanted her to feel comfortable and safe, happy and content.

And the ETA had taken that away from him. His wife was broken, but still alive. And that's what mattered. If she dies... he would know what he would do. Die too? No, Diana wouldn't want that, since thier sons need him. All he knew for certain, was, that if Diana had died, he would never remarry. Diana was the only one for him. Not even Camila could replace the place Diana had in his heart.

"Diana..." Charles crawled under the bed and pulled her out and into his arms.

"I'm here. It's ok. I promise."

Diana nodded , burying her face in his chest.

You'd do anything for the one you love... that's why I killed Josu. That's why Greg robbed banks. I will donate money to help save Greg's daughter Jess.

"Diana? Would you like to visit sick children in the hospital?"

Diana loves children. Maybe this will cheer her up.

Diana looked at him for a few moment, her eyes still glazed and foggy, before nodding.

"Good. There's one special kid I think you'll like. Bring the boys too"

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