Chapter 14

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Queen Elizabeth dumped her husband's body into the River Thames. That should get rid of the evidence.

And now to plan for the celebration of her coronation.

Diana woke up to Charles kissing her lips.

"Good morning my best princess."

Diana opened her eyes, wondering what date it was. She looked at the calendar on the nightstand

June 2nd, 1989.

The Queen's coronation anniversary. Fireworks. Loud noises. Gunshots.

Charles gently touched her face.

"Don't worry. If it gets to overwhelming for you, we'll leave, alright darling?"

Diana nodded, holding onto him tightly. She would be lost without him by her side. She leaned into him

"Well, should we go down for breakfast now Charles?"

Charles nodded, taking her hand and leading her downstairs.

Everyone was at the breakfast table. Correction, almost everyone. Diana and Charles noticed that Prince Phillip was mysteriously absent, and so did Sarah.

"Weird, don't ya think? Phillip is always one of the first people to wake up..."

"Maybe he slept in?" Diana suggested, hoping that he didn't get kidnapped. Like her.

Queen Elizabeth snapped her head to them.

"He's out Diana . Now shut your ugly as mouth and sit down"

"Don't speak to my wife like that" snarled Charles protectively. Diana cling to him, fear in her eyes.

The queen snorted.

"Well, there's a fireworks show tonight, celebrating my coronation. Don't you dare ruin in you weak little bich " Elizabeth said, grabbing Diana by the wrist, squeezing until there was a dark red mark.

"Y-yes ma'am" Diana whispered, looking down at her feet, hiding her anxiety from this heartless queen her husband called his mother. Charles put an arm around Diana's shoulders.

"Come on Diana. Let's get ready...."

9:30 P.M

The fireworks were ready. Diana sat next to Charles on a blanket. Surely it couldn't be that bad, right?

Then the first firework went off. It was so loud , so much like the gunshots that haunted her nightmares. She couldn't help it. She screamed, whimpering loudly.

Queen Elizabeth stormed over to her, grabbing the young princess by the front of her dress.

"Oh you just have to ruin EVERYTHING, don't you? You're so fcking weak it sickens me. You're pathetic, don't you know that? I honestly can't understand what Charles saw in such a spineless worm, such a worthless wet noodle such as you. God, accepting you into my perfect family was the worst mistake of my life. You know what? You'd be better off dead !"

And with that, the Queen slapped Diana so hard her nose bleed, and she fall back, almost hitting her head, but thankfully Charles catched her.

"That's it! Diana, let's go"

Diana nodded, and raced after her husband.

The couple arrived at the bank of the Thames River a few minutes later. They sat down, relieved to be in each other's presence until they noticed something in the water.

It was Phillip. 

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