Untitled Part 20

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February 6, 1981

Charles pulled Diana closer. It had been 2 weeks since he last saw her, and that was already too much. It was bad enough that his brother has gotten so drunk he hallucinated and had a full on "conversation" with a bear and Andrew had to be dragged away before he got mauled.

"HeY mR bEaR!" gasped the very drunk Andrew, waving his hands at a huge brown bear sitting on its rump.

The bear didn't respond. Just gave him a dead-eyed stare, which was probably because it was a FREAKING BEAR.

The one sided conversation lasted about 7 minutes before Charles decided to drag his brother away, with Andrew screaming "But he's my FRIENNNNNDDDDDDD!"

Charles sighed. Siblings.

"I missed you Diana." he told her, pulling her towards him so that their bodies were touching. Their foreheads were touching.

"I missed you too Charles..."

"This won't happen anymore." he told her, sneaking his hand to his pant pocket.

Diana tilted her head in confusion.

"Charles? What do you mean?"

Charles smiled gently at her.

"You'll be coming everywhere with me soon"

This only made Diana more bewildered. What could he be talking about?

Charles got down on one knee.

"Diana. I love you more than I've loved anyone ever. You're the angel of my life, you make my life worth something. Will you marry me?"

Diana gasped, tears of joy streaming down her face.

"Yes Charles. I will marry you. I love you"

"I love you too Diana"

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