Chapter 16

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TW: implied child abuse

Queen Elizabeth is getting worse in this chapter, Charles tells his siblings about Phillip

Edward didn't mind going against his mother, even though she was the queen. Her treatment of Diana was inexcusable, Diana didn't deserve that.

And to be honest, Edward barely considered Elizabeth as his mother. Sure, she had given birth to him, but his aunt, Margaret, was more of a mother to him than Elizabeth ever was.

Thinking about his childhood hurt deeply. His mother had treated him awfully and it still effected him to this day.

"Mummy!" a young Edward said, running into the throne room. He was smiling in excitement.

Queen Elizabeth glared at her youngest son.

"What is it this time Edward?" snapped the queen, clearly annoyed.

Edward ingnored his mother's annoyance.

"Mummy! Look at what I made!" the boy pulled out a finger painting of sheep ranging from white to pink on a sheet of black construction paper, handing it to his mother, who very reluctantly took it.

Elizabeth's face turned to a mixture of anger and disgust. She glared down at her son.

"What the heck it this?" she growled, clearing disappointed. Edward took a step back.

"It's... m-my artwork... I worked very hard on it mommy!" Edward said, starting to cry.

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