15- Chasing Trouble

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Happy Birthday @Thehiddensoul98 🥳🥳🎂🎂 This one is for you,dear! May you get all you desire for in life. Cheers 🥂🥂

Ngl this was supposed to a sad sad update but I couldn't let you feel low on your bday sweetheart. So yeah! Here's a light hearted one for you!!!



A few days passed. Everything went on normal. Arjun had joined back his duty and Neelu was back. They were falling into a comfortable routine with their morning jogs and daily dinner convos.

Arnika had started feeling more and more comfortable around Arjun as she realised that the arrangement wasn't temporary. She started to open up more. She started to talk even more. And she definitely started to take even more liberties.

Arjun never complained. If anything, he was enjoying parenthood. He enjoyed listening to her endless rants. He was content that she was comfortable enough to take liberties with him. And he was glad that he was not just a father to her anymore. He was gradually fitting in the shoes of 'dad' now.

Arni barged into her father's room shouting- "Papaaaa" but trailed off when she realised that he was not present in his room.

She looked here and there but he was nowhere to be found. She shrugged and was about to go out to search for him when her eyes fell on the not so tiny, shiny black object kept on the side table. Her eyes twinkled at the sight of her father's revolver. She looked around to make sure for the last time that her father wasn't around and walked sneakily towards the gun. Her heart pounded as she held out her hand to grab it.

She had seen the object tugged in her father's back pocket or lying next to him innumerable times but had never once dared to reach for it. It was more like an unspoken rule between them.

But today,in her father's absence she wanted nothing more than to bend the stupid rule. She picked up the revolver in her small hands. She couldn't help but use her other hand to balance it properly. It was heavy! She turned it around in all directions to examine it properly.

A silly thought came to her mind and she bit her lips. She giggled and drew it out like she had seen in the movies. She felt like lady Singham! 

Her fingers traced the trigger. Her intrusive thoughts combined with her impulsiveness urged her to press it. She had no aspirations to become a police officer and something told her that she won't ever get her hands on the gun again which meant only one thing:This would be a once in a lifetime moment!

 She held out the gun as far as she could from her body and tightly closed her eyes. She pushed the trigger with all might hoping to hear the much anticipated thud of a bullet but no such luck. All she heard was a loud click. 

She opened her eyes. She saw her father right infront of the gunpoint with crossed arms. She gulped and wondered if even the gun was so intimidated by her father that it refused to shoot!

Arjun was shooting daggers at her. The audacity of the girl to do even think of doing such a dangerous thing! If only he hadn't put on the safety. He shuddered at the thought. He marched towards her and held out his hand. Arni put in on his palm while looking down scared. She knew she was in for it.

Arjun's hands were itching to give her a tight slap for her offence but he fisted his hands in order to control his anger.

Arjun harshly- "Just answer my one question, Arnika. Why would you do THAT?"

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