"I'll always be by your side"

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                            Aditya's POV

"I am sorry, Noor. I didn't had any other option. I am sorry. I am really very sorry. I didn't want to hurt you but I know I did." I kept asking her to forgive me while crying holding her hands.

"But why are you saying sorry?" She asked me with tears in her eyes. I was looking at her hands with my head down. A drop of my tears fell on her hand.

"Because I married you without your permission. I know you don't love me. I also know that you didn't want to get married. I am sorry Noor." I replied not looking at her face. I was trapped in guilt.

But I was ready to accept any guilt to save her. I was only looking at her hands in my hands with my head down.

"But you do." She said placing one of her hands on my cheek making me look at her. "What?" I asked her to process what she was talking about.

"You do love me. Don't you?" She replied making me surprised at her words. I nodded in yes and said in low voice, "But that doesn't mean, I can marry you without your consent."

"Who told you this marriage happened without my consent?" Noor asked me making me confused.

"You told me on the way that we are going to get married, right? And I without saying a word come here and married you. Then how does this marriage not have my consent?"

She spoke again without letting me say anything. I thought something and spoke, "But you don't love me." "But you do love me." She replied with a smile with her hands on my face.

                           Author's POV

Yeah she knows that Aditya loves her. He was the one who proposed her in front of whole college. But I will tell you about this in the upcoming chapter.

                            Noor's POV

I know he loved me. It's been seven years since he proposed me. But I thought that it was just some kind of attraction or something else.

We all were teenagers then. I used to think that he was just attracted to me at that time. But I didn't know that it was not an attraction but LOVE.

Yeah after that I used to think that his feelings had changed. But it was not like that.

He is my best friend and was always with me in all ups and downs. So I called him tonight because he was the only one whom I could believe.

I didn't know that he still loves me. But I got to know this when he told me that we are going to get married. He said it that way. But it was way different.

It wasn't like sympathizing with me. Neither it was pity in his eyes for me nor it was like an obligation.

It felt to me that he is going to marry me to protect me. But it felt like he was protecting himself from the whole world.

I could see his affection, his care, his emotions, his LOVE for ME in his eyes. Then I got the answer to my questions.

"I believe you Aditya. And that's the reason for me to marry you. And I respect you Aditya. And I RESPECT OUR MARRIAGE. And this is the only truth I know." I said making Aditya understand that he is not at fault.

"Noor, even if you respect this marriage, remember that whenever you want to go away from me breaking all ties, you can. And I won't force you. Just be happy." He said while tears were not stopping flooding his eyes.

"Aditya, you are not a mere toy for me whom I can play with and throw whenever I want. I told you that I respect our marriage and won't be leaving you."

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