"ᗪᗴᗩᖇ ᗪIᗩᖇY, ᗯᗴᒪᑕOᗰᗴ TO ᕼᗴᒪᒪ"

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𝙸𝚜𝚊𝚍𝚘𝚛𝚊'𝚜 𝙿𝚘𝚟

I was terrified to open my eyes. I thought I could escape their chants, but I felt my body being transported. I heard the groan of a voice I was all too familiar with, the voice that sung nursery rhymes as he hunted down my siblings. I opened my eyes regardless, blinking to adjust to the bright sky as I lay faced upwards on the surprisingly comfortable grass. My eyes shifted to the side, and I was faced with the eyes of somebody I loved dearly. Kai had always been my favorite sibling.

He was covered in blood, blood that didn't belong to him, blood that belonged to our siblings, the children I raised while my parents were busy planning the next batch. That realisation ignited a fire I didn't know I had, I hit him. My beloved brother who I'd never raise a hand to, I struck him across the face. But it wasn't enough. I wanted revenge for the four siblings I'd lost only hours ago.

I didn't know why he let me, why didn't defend himself against the punches and kicks, maybe he was too tired after chasing down my siblings, or maybe he'd given up knowing he'd won. I slapped, scratched, kicked and punched whenever I could, for ten minutes this Continued until I rolled off him, panting and hiccuping. Because attacking him didn't change the fact my siblings were dead, nor the fact I'd never see the four year old twins again.

I knew how prison world worked, it would be near impossible for us to escape. Meaning I would be forever trapped with the person who ruined my life. I bawled my eyes out, mourning the loss of my freedom, the loss of my family, the loss of a world I never had a chance to experience beyond my fathers grasp.

"Why didn't you hit back?" I questioned my brother, who I knew was still there, most likely biting his nails— he knew I always hated that habit. "Because you're my sister.. And all I have left- I love you Izzy and I'm so—" my anger forced me to cut him off, spinning around and shoving him harshly.

"If you say sorry I will kill you- you- you don't get to be sorry! You murdered them! You traumatized the twins and ripped your own twins spleen out! I can't even look at you, because right now- all I can see is our father." I wiped another round of tears from my face angrily.

Kai stared at me as if I'd just ripped his spleen out, his lips parted and eyes blown wide. He even had a slight tremble to him. Any other day I'd have taken my words back immediately and held him in my arms while promising he is nothing like the asshole that is our father. But my anger forbade me from doing that.

My eyes caught the blood on his shirt once again and I bit my lip, we needed to get cleaned up if I had to keep staring at my siblings blood I'll end up saying something  a lot worse. Which I can't imagine there is, I mean my words alone were enough to silence my ever chatty brother.

After quickly glancing around, I found we was outside our house, the prison world version at least. But to step inside would mean having to be bombarded with the memories so I turned towards a neighbouring house. "Cmon asshole, you've got a chunk of Jo's spleen on you" I tried to joke, but my words came out like knives.

Kai gave me a slight grin while standing up, brushing off his bloody shirt before going in the direction of our house, "no, we're not going in there.. " I shuddered and grabbed him arm, dragging him to the house i saw before. Forcing open the door and breaking into the house, it wasn't like anyone else was there.

Finding the bathroom was a struggle in it's self but I managed, I turned on the shower for him even set the temperature I knew he liked. It reminded me of when we was younger, I'd always be in charge of setting his baths or helping him dress because God forbid his parents touch him. "Get in, I'll go find some clothes for you and just throw those ones away." I said in distaste.

"Izzy.. " he started, his eyes staring into mine, searching for something, "don't kai, I can't talk to you while you're like this. Just don't" I huffed before hurrying out the bathroom to go find him something to wear.

While going through bedroom I stumbled across a room clearly made for a small boy, maybe about eight. I frowned, but tears didn't fall, I didn't have enough tears to spare. I eventually found a master bedroom with both make and female clothes, along with towels. I grabbed two towels and a pair of jeans and a shirt for kai.

I went back to the bathroom where the water was still running, I didn't bother knock, just left the clothes outside the door. The minimum interaction the better, because I knew after we would be sitting down for a long talk

It took a while but Kai eventually came into the room, cleaned and clothed with damp hair and a sheepish grin, "can we talk now?" I nodded and patted the bed beside me. I took the towel from his hand and began to dry his hair for him, "I don't want you to hate me, you're my big sister- and- I didn't think it would effect you, I mean our family were assholes" he says non Chalantly.

I glare at the back of his head, "no Kai our 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘴 were assholes, our siblings were just victims of consequence" I corrected him, but he just shrugged. "Doesn't matter, point is. They were trying to replace me, because I'm different but I'm not different I'm like you but they didn't hate you as much"

It's true, our parents and even some our siblings had a strong hatred for Kai and were just indifferent to me. Joshua the bastard used to lock Kai in the shed, sometimes even beat him in there. It wasn't Kai's fault he was broken, it was Joshua's.

That bit of logic was the only thing that kept me sane and prevented me from hating Kai, because it's not his fault. 𝘝𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘥𝘦, 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘣𝘰𝘳𝘯. I thought about everything Kai went through, all the times I failed to save him.

"I'm not asking you to get over this immediately and forgive me, I'm just asking you to see it my way" he added nervously, seemingly unsettled by my silence.

"Okay." I breathed out
"Okay?" He parroted.
"You didn't deserve what they did to you, they fucked you up, that's not your fault. I can accept that. And I don't hate you, and I'm sorry about saying like our fat- like Joshua" I corrected myself because that man wasn't a father, just a cruel man and Kai was his victim.

A spark lit up in my brother's eyes and he tackled me into a hug, "thank you izzy- I love you so so so much" he rambled.

Kai wasn't a villain, I know that better than anybody. He's just my little brother who's been through a lot.


First chapter done!
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