"ᗪᗴᗩᖇ ᗪIᗩᖇY, ᗰY ՏOᑎ"

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Nobody said it would be easy, re entering society years after being cast out. The first three days were some of the hardest, the out of body experience of being thrown into a new world with new technology, new systems yet the same humans with the same selfish ideology.

But the Parker siblings made it work.

Isadora found herself a part time job at a daycare, tending to young children sent her back to her childhood and caring for her younger siblings.

Kai had more trouble, he was unable to slip back into place into society because he felt he never had a place, it would be like pushing a brick into a wall but the wall was already complete.


But his fear of disappointing his sister over powered his fear of rejection, despite his obnoxious personality he was granted a job as a cashier at a small coffee place.

It hurt his pride but it meant seeing Isadora smile.

Now the two could've easily conjured up anything they required using magic, having found a source to siphon— land marked with the power of witches who had died in agony. But their magic was the reason they was cast out, they determined to integrate back in without using it.

Alongside their plan for a normalish life, Kai and Isadora had their own plots— Kai was planning revenge against their coven, one that would be even more violent than the one before, now not only was his rage fuelled by the hatred of his coven but also the bitter feeling that settled in his stomach when he thought of how the rest of the family aged and thrived while he and his eldest sister was cast away, their lives ruined before they could truly start.

Isadora's plan was focused more on their company from the prison world, Damon Salvatore and Bonnie Bennett. The first two people outside their family that Isadora could call friends, people she wasn't ready to let go of. Luckily she knew they both resided in mystic Falls, but first she wanted a chance for her and Kai to adjust to life with a populated planet.

Two days later, when the blue sky faded to a hue of orange and reds, Isadora found herself in the forest. She didn't know why but this particular forest had called to her, like a lighthouse called to boats in the night.

She was laid on the grass in a small clearing, using the time to relax and feel her magic thrive in the air, being a witch, siphoned or not meant the blonde girl was connected to nature. She could feel the magic that lay under the surface, calling out to her.

What she didn't know was a certain daggered original was also beneath the ground, and he too was calling her.

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"Damn it Niklaus, I understand Kol was out of line but you cannot truly believe the punishment fits the crime?" I sighed out, a thousand years on this earth and yet still I always find myself in the same situation, scolding my half brother Niklaus for his reckless, anger fueled tactics.

Niklaus himself only smirked and turned back towards his sketchbook, "Kol aided Stefan Salvatore, the doppelganger and the rest of their wayward crew in bringing back to life several supernatural's, one of which was our mother. So yes Elijah, I think the punishment fits the crime" he said bitterly.

Although kol had helped in the plan to resurrect some fallen friends from the other side, I know he would never in his life dream of bringing back our mother. Surely Niklaus knows that, in fact I know that he knows, he's just doing what he does best. Letting his fear of being alone control his actions.

"Niklaus, enough of this foolishness, I demand that you return our brother back," I said sternly, having enough of his behavior.

Niklaus chuckles before standing up, disregarding his art supplies and giving me that smile that tells me he's up to no good, "how about I bring you to him,"

He must think of me a fool, we've done this song and dance before, I will not fall for it again, "Niklaus, you must consider me a fool. I know your tricks now return our brother-" I gasp as he tackles me, the dagger in his hand— when did that get there, now in my chest.

The feeling of being forced unconscious is unpleasant but familiar, "don't worry brother, I'll take good care of you" he says darkly, it would be sweet if I couldn't feel the blood in my body cease to circulate and my veins harden.

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Kai and I were spread out across our apartment floor, dozens of blankets and pillow surrounding us and the projector displayed the movie onto the wall in front of us. I wasn't paying much attention to the movie, it was too much gore for me. We was watching some random slasher horror movie, kai loved straight forward slasher who did it's while I was more a psychological horror girl myself.

But I wanted to do something nice for kai, he won't admit that he's struggling, eighteen years of solidarity and life without rules then thrust into overpopulated streets and laws was most definitely messing with his head, so I set up a cozy night in.

Kai was curled up with his head on my chest, my fingers massaging his scalp gently, now if he knew I noticed he'd kill me but he was most definitely sucking his thumb- like it was undeniable or he was kissing his fist. Which knowing Kai wouldn't be that odd.

The setting was peaceful, mundane. 'No blood thirsty witches or self serving vampires, just me and my son. '

I froze, 'did I just refer to Kai as my son' I thought to myself, my mouth parted in disbelief at my own words.

I'd had always been Kai's caretaker, but I had still considered him my little brother, right? Sure I gave him more attention than normal siblings but that was usual, given our circumstances.

Thinking of Kai as my son made my heart warm, he deserved a mother figure, I could be that person.

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The blonde Parker stared at her little brother, though she now preferred to call him her son, she kissed the top of his head and muttered beneath her breath, Kai too emerges in the world of horror to even comprehend her words, "I'll never let them hurt you again, anyone who harms my family– my son, will have me to deal with"

Some could call her overprotective, or maybe they'd realize that the 18 years trapped with only her sociopathic son had affected her more than anyone could tell, you don't spend 18 years in prison and exit the same person.

And Isadora was not that same girl, the girl who was unable to save her brother from their father, the girl who let her family down.

No, now she was someone else. A guardian, A mother, A protector, A saviour.


Sooooo what y'all think? Don't be ghost readers yall

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