"ᗪᗴᗩᖇ ᗪIᗩᖇY, ITՏ ᗷᗴᗴᑎ 9 YᗴᗩᖇՏ"

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ɴᴀʀʀᴀᴛᴏʀ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

"Kai! How many times must I tell you to remember your table manners!" The older girl scolded her younger brother, moving closer to wipe his mouth from the sticky syrup. They was currently celebrating what would be pancakes day, and as usual Isadora was doting on her poor brother.

The sociopath grinned and opened his mouth to show the half chewed food, with no purpose but to get on his sisters nerves. She cringed and hit him on the arm.

"What's the point on manners when nobody will ever see, it's not like we're having any dinner parties, " the male spoke up, causing Isadora to frown, but she knew he had a point. They'd been there for nine years now, and although they hadn't given up on trying to escape the idea of it seemed a lot less plausible.

The only thing that hadn't changed in the nine years was isadora's smothering nature, which now that she only had one person to project it on, was a lot to handle. But Kai didn't mind, he'd curl up in her arms and pretend he had a mother who cared about him, something he wished for dearly.

But Isadora had enough love to fill that gap in his heart, in his eyes she was the only parent he needed, his older sister who would always be by his side. Unlike his traitorous twin.

The thought of Jo and how she had tricked him, leading to their imprisonment, easily soured his mood, his fists clenching and unclenching, eyes loosing their playful spark. Tell tale habits of when Kai was loosing his temper didn't go unnoticed by the blonde woman, who pulled her seat closer to him and pulled him into a hug, massaging his scalp and grinning as he visually relaxed.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" She asked politely, getting her answer in the form of a head shake, so she left it at that. Silently comforting him.

Isadora had spent enough time with Kai to learn his mannerisms, and how to comfort him when the rage gets too much, rage is one of the only emotions Kai knows, and that makes her curse Joshua everyday. For breaking the rare diamond that is Kai, Joshua tossed him aside because of the smallest 'impurity' and moved to the next diamond, but that small impurity had now spread to the rest of the diamond.

Kai and Isadora raced down the empty streets in stolen cars, after learning the couldn't die in the prison world they came up with all sorts of fun pass times, their favourite being real life Mario Kart, where they could try sabotage each other's vehicle as much as possible.

Speaking of which, Kai smirked before throwing a bowling before at his sisters car, only for it to fall and roll under neath, making him angrily flip her off before picking up the speed.

The race was four laps around the outskirts of Portland, they had been in Portland for 3 months, after a while of traveling they ended up coming back to their home, not knowing where else to go.

'their home' was actually their neighbors house, on the same street, Isadora still not ready to enter the house where her siblings were massacred, everytime she thought about it she couldn't help but stare at Kai in resentment, once she even punched him out of nowhere.

So they learned to keep her mind away from her dead siblings and focused on the one she had with her, Kai was all she had left, and vise versa.

Finally ending their race they hopped out the cars and entered the local grocery store which was, as suspected, empty. It would've been weirder if it wasn't.

Both siblings ventured for their own preferred items, they was planning on a road trip, needing an escape from Portland and also taking the opportunity to explore the world, Isadora having the ingenious plan to steal the Mona Lisa from this world so when they go home she can have it in their house

"Kai! Can you grab some ice cream!" She yelled across the store, seeing her brother in the frozen section.

The prison world had it's advantages at times but still Isadora and Kai prayed on the day they would escape.

ᗪᖇᗴᗩᗰ ᗯOᖇᒪᗪ — ɪsᴀᴅᴏʀᴀ's ᴘᴏᴠ

"Is that her"
"My mate is gorgeous"
"Our mate kol, our"
"Yeah yeah"

My body felt heavy and weightless at the same time, it was a nausea-inducing feeling. I could hear voices all around me, voices that made my heart beat faster and blood to rush to my face. I'd heard two voices, the first was a male's— very energetic and the second was also male with a more stern tone.

They didn't ring any bells so I was confused on why I was hearing them in my dream. They must've caught onto my growing awareness of the situation as I battled to open my eyes, in fact I was barely able to part my lips. I doubt I can talk.

The energetic male voice was quick to assure me, "it's alright little mate, it takes a while to get used to the dreamscape, let it wash over you, " if I had the energy too, I would've scrunched my nose in confusion.

I gave up on trying to move after another two minutes of failure, I knew I was embarrassing myself. Besides I had other things to deal with, like having my first telepathic dream with my mate.

It had taken a while for it to register but now I knew this was a mate dream I was all the more franctic to begin moving and being aware of my surroundings so I can learn more about them. Some stories I've read mentioned taking weeks before they could communicate with their mates in their dreams, saying it was a test of willpower but I didn't want a test of will power, I wanted to communicate with somebody other than my child murdering brother for the first time in 9 years.

They must've understood my distress at not being able to communicate or move, because they lowered their voices and began talking. I couldn't hear what they was saying and that only made it worst.

I screamed when I felt arms lift me from my position, fear rushing through me and the adrenaline giving me the kick start needed to open my eyes.

How on earth did I get so lucky?

Two gorgeous beings were in front of me, one actually carrying me.

And I did what any girl would do in that situation.

I blacked out.


Authors note.

So sorry this is shitty and rushed but I don't want this to be like my other books where I never update so try not to judge. I never knew how hard it is to write just two characters trapped with nothing to do.

I also wanted to remind you Izzy isn't Kai's mom, she's his mom figure, but not his mother. Yes there will be a point where he starts calling her mom but still biologically they're siblings.

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