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I looked at the time and it was already past 11 when I snapped out of it.   I would've called Taylor but, she had to be on top of her game which means I can't go calling her in the middle of the night so I called my brother.  

Hey Vi, whats up?

Travis, I was nominated for Rookie of the Year

That's amazing Vi.  So why don't you sound happy?

I have played a total of like 6 games out of the eighteen.  I don't deserve Rookie of the Year I didn't even play the whole year.  

Vi, you worked hard and the committee knows what awards they are giving out.  They don't make mistakes.

You're right.  I also had an interesting conversation with Lana Hanover

What did she have to say?

Basically, that she wanted to teach me everything she knew this summer so that she left a mark on the league.  oh and that she thinks I'll end up in the hall of fame.  

Not that I disagree with her but what kind of competitor acts like that?  Does she think that she can beat you?

I have no idea.  From the way she was talking about it, I think that she thinks that when push comes to shove she is more likely to win but I can not tell what goes on in that girl's head.   

Travis laughed.  Maybe she is trying to psych you out in the most backwards way possible

I have no idea what is going on in my life right now.  Everything is just way out of control but whatever.

Wait, did something else happen?

There were people asking for my autograph and taking pictures when we went out for lunch earlier but honestly I don't mind.  It's fine.  I  just need to slow my thoughts.  

No, you need sleep.  What time did you wake up?



okay fine, I woke up at 5

Go to bed.

Good Night, Travis.  

Night, Vi

I hung up and headed back to Kayley and I's room.  She was already sleeping so I tried to be quiet.  It was kinda hard to fall asleep because I couldn't quiet my thoughts.

The next morning I woke up to Kayley yelling from the kitchen in the room.  "VIOLETA WAKE UP!" she yelled.  I yawned.  

"Why?" I asked slightly loud but I wasn't yelling.  

"We have a half an hour before we have to get on a plane, unless you would rather stay here?" Kayley asked while she walked in.  I sprang out of bed and took the quickest shower I think I ever had.  I totally forgot to set my alarm and Kayley doesn't believe in alarms even though she is always awake in time to get ready. 

After I finished packing all of my stuff and getting myself situated, I asked Kayley, "Time check?"  She looked at her watch while I grabbed a protein bar before grabbing the box to put it into my bag.  

"5 minutes and give me one of those," Kayley replied.  I threw one at her and then put it in my bag, zipping it up and walking out the door.  

When we got to the lobby, the coach was standing there with a few other members of the team.  We were not the last ones there, thank god.  

"Everyone, get some sleep.  You are all jet lagged and had a long weekend so please just sleep," the coach practically begged us.  Problem was, I was not tired.  So I decided, after I put my stuff in my room a run couldn't hurt.  I ran around the campus a few times before finally taking a break.  I was sitting in the bleachers in the football stadium.  I called Taylor.  It rand to voicemail and I was about to get back to running when my phone started ringing.  

Sorry, I had to get away from the booth.

If you're busy-

I already told them it was urgent what's up Vi?

I was nominated for Rookie of the Year and best Offensive Line

That's amazing, Vi.  You should be really proud.   I actually have some new too.  

Lets hear it

I'm going on tour

Oh my god, that's amazing.  We both really are living out our dreams.  

I couldn't do it if I didn't know that you were there for me

Neither could I.  Go back to whatever you were doing, we'll talk later


Good Luck

I hung up the phone and let it sink in that the more famous we both got the more distance would be put between us.  I heard someone clear their throat and my eyes were drawn to someone I recognized but couldn't place the face.  

"Long distance?" he asked me and narrowed my eyes and shook my head.  

"Best friend, she lives in Nashville," I responded.  I was trying to be careful because I didn't know how long he was there or how much he had heard.  

"That's the worst.  Best friends are your other half, and I know hard it can be when you're away from them.  Sorry, totally forgot to introduce myself, Andy Reid," he man stated and that's when it all clicked.  

"You are the eagles head coach," I stated.  I meant for it o sound like a question but  knew that it was true.  "Violeta," I spoke soft.

"What can you tell me about yourself, Violeta?" he asked.  He had slowly been moving forward since we started talking and at this point he was sitting next to me.  

"I play lacrosse, I have two brothers, and I don't know," I scrambled.  Why could I not talk about myself?

"How good are you at lacrosse?" Coach Reid asked me.  

"Depends on who you ask," I stated.  It was true but I would assume that was not the answer that he was looking for.  

"I am asking you.  You clearly only thing that you are someone who plays lacrosse so how good are you?" Coach Reid asked again.  It was more pointed.  I was starting to think that he knew exactly who I was.

"I could be better.  I could work harder but that is always true.  I never understood how people can say tat they are the best at their sport or position.  If you are the best than you obviously are playing with people that make you better," I ranted.  I didn't even know that I thought that, what was he doing?

"What about people in the Hall of Fame or people who hold World Records?  Ho can you say that they aren't the best?" Coach Reid asked me and I looked at with narrow eyes.  

"It's the Kelce way," I stated before getting up and walking away.  

Coach Reid POV

"It's the Kelce way," she stated pointedly before getting up and walking away.  Kelce?  Wait that was THE Violeta Kelce.  She thinks that she should be doing better.  

The Kelce way according to her is to act like you are so confident that it suffocates people while yo are actually suffocating.  And she has two brothers.

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