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I was ready to get on a plane and march into that woman's office and tell her to back off but I figure that  should be a little more strategic.  I was looking back at my entire life and the only thing that I had left to hide was my babies but she already leaked that so what did she really have?  I called my brothers.  "Hey, so I need to ask a favor," I said.  

"You ghost us and now you need a favor," Travis stated.  I knew that Taylor probably didn't take it very well so Travis was definitely mad.  

"Anything, Vi.  What do you need?" Jason asked.  

"I need to properly address the rumors and I want to do it on the podcast," I explained.  

"Yes," they said at the same time.  I laughed at their eagerness.  Zach had agreed with me when  said that we should just reveal everything.  There is no point in trying to hide them anymore, there was no point in denying it.  I told Travis and Jason that nothing was off limits and to just ask away.  

"So we have a special guest today.  Our baby sister has decided to grace us with her presence," Travis announced and I rolled my eyes.  

"10 months.  You are only 10 months older than me," I argued.  

"I would still call you my baby sister if it was 10 minutes," Travis rebutted.  

"Okay you two," Jason laughed.  Travis and I both sighed at the same time.  "So, what have you been up to Vi?"  Jason asked getting to the point.  

"Oh you know, the normal other than giving birth," I said and they both smiled at my nonchalant mention.  

"How is our amazing niece and nephew?" Travis asked and I smiled.  

"Well, they sleep sometimes.  The twins have a tendency to not sleep at the same time so Zach and I don't sleep.  But Glacier is amazing with them," I responded.  

"What do the babies think about Glacier?" Jason asked.  

"Well, Zara is obsessed.  Glacier and her snuggle.  It is the cutest thing ever.  Viridian on the hand doesn't much like Glacier," I mused and they both laughed.  

"Do you and Zach have a nickname for either of them yet?" Travis asked.  

"Not really.  Zara's name is pretty easy but Viridian is definitely ending up with a nickname," I explained.  

"Wyatt won't stop asking when she can see her cousins again," Jason pointed out.  I laughed.  

"You are always welcome Jason," I said and he shushed me.  

"Don't say that if one of the children hears you we are going to have to deal with begging," Jason said.  Zach opened the door and peaked his head in.  

"You have something to add Zach?" I asked looking a him.  He laughed and came over with Viridian.  He was crying his eyes out and Zach put him in my arms.  Viridian instantly stopped crying.  

"I seriously don't know how you do that," Zach said amazed.  I looked back at the screen and smiled.  

"He looks so big," Jason said.  

"He is so a future NFL player," Travis mused and I laughed.  "What?  It's practically in his DNA," Travis continued and I just rolled my eyes.  

"There are a whole lot of things in his DNA," I laughed.  Travis started playing peek-a-boo with Viridian.  After the podcast was recorded, Travis and Taylor came over to my house for dinner.  We had a great time and Taylor was amazing with the twins.  

After the podcast was posted, people were raving over what I had to say about them.  They also wanted me to post pictures of both of the twins since no one had seen Zara.  It was great that people were seeing my platforms as the primary source of information about my life again.  I waited a few days and since Veronica had noting to say, I assumed that I was right.  She had nothing except Kayley in her pocket.  I called a lawyer and tried to figure out what my legal options were.  I filed a restraining order on behalf of my entire family.

The next day, an article published about Kayley.  Veronica claimed that I helped Kayley cover up her drug addiction and that my Hall of Fame status should be revoked.  It was all a lie and had no truth whatsoever but I still was called to the NLL headquarters.  

When I arrived, Veronica was there and so was Kayley.  "Violeta, it has been brought to our attention that you asisted Kayley in her cover up," one of the board memebers stated.  

"Out of curiosity, how would I have done that from Kansas City.  Also, I just had twins so I really want to get back home," I stated and the board members looked at me confused.  

"You aren't even going to try to defend yourself?" Veronica asked infuriated.  

"You have no proof of anything and as far as I am concerned when I am done with you, no one will take anything you say seriously.  Publishing that article may not have violated the restraining order but this defiantly did," I stated.  I was keeping my cool completely.  

"No you don't get to win.  This was supposed to be the nail in your coffin, I will get you," Veronica said and I turned to face the board.  I raised my eyebrows.  

"You are free to go and for the record, we didn't think that you did anything," the head board member said and I went to walk out but Kayley stopped me.  

"I am so sorry, Violeta," Kayley started and I stopped her.  

"You put my children at risk when you decided to pick your career over me.  I will never forgive you for that," I said and continued out of the room.  

Veronica stepped out of the lines this time.  She was fined for breaking the restraining order and the restrictions were increased.  When the public found out, majority of people unsubscribed from her articles.  She was fired and blacklisted in the industry.  

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