The Team

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Zach POV

I opened my eyes to see the golden hue of rising sun. Violeta is cuddling with Glacier and it was the most adorable thing. I am so happy that Violeta is happy, that's all I have ever wanted. I got up because I had to get ready for practice and tried to not wake either of them up.

When I was done getting ready, I went back over to Vi. I kissed her forehead and then I whispered, "Goodbye, Firefly."

"Have fun at practice," I heard her say in a super tired voice. I laughed a little and left. I knew that she wasn't entirely awake and the fact that she even registered where I was going made me love her even more.

Violeta POV

I spent the day training the dog and watching TV. I needed to find a new way to spend my time if I was staying in Kansas City for extended periods of time. I learned a long time ago that I can't sit around and I would prefer to spend my time helping people than sitting around. After I couldn't decide what I was going to do I decided to go live on Instagram.

"Hey guys! Yeah I know that I have been radio silent for around a week. But Zach and I welcomed," I walked off camera to grab Glacier, "this amazing puppy. Glacier is a purebred Siberian Husky and I'm training her. I am going to be in Kansas City for a bit and was wondering if you guys have anything that you want to see me do," I opened the conversation up to the fans. I was reading as many comments as I could. Most people wanted me to release another album and maybe a few singles. I started noticing a few people talking about lacrosse.

"Guys, what's going on in lacrosse?" I asked and I saw a sponsored message. The main girls lacrosse brand has gone under and everything else is way over priced and terrible quality. "That's terrible. I'll see what I can do about it and I will start working on creating an album from my unreleased music."

After I said that people started asking personal questions and I answered as many as I wanted to. I was careful to only refer to Zach as Zach. I was still on live when Zach got home. He walked in behind me, "Hello, Beautiful." I smiled as he walked and put his arms around my waist hugging me from behind. He kissed my neck.

"Since when do you go on live?" Zach asked as he read some of the comments. They were now gushing over him and I could tell because he was smirking.

"I needed opinions on my next projects," I stated and looked to read the comments. "Go shower," I said looking at Zach. He let out an exasperated breath and hugged me tighter.

"You could join me," he whispered in my ear. I felt my cheeks heat up and he walked away.

"I have to go, thanks for the chat guys!" I said and quickly ran upstairs.

Later that night, Zach and I were cooking dinner and chatting about his practice. "The guys can't stop talking about you," Zach mentioned.

"All good things, I hope," I joked. He laughed a little.

"More like amazing things. They are impressed by you. So they all spend an overwhelming amount of time drilling me," Zach explained and I laughed.

"Why don't they ask Travis?" I asked Zach and he huffed.

"Travis told all of them that I am the only one that knows your secrets," Zach said as he rolled his eyes. "Oh and they also wanted to know if you would come to practice," Zach added.

"I'll come if you want me to," I treaded lightly. I loved watching Zach play and I didn't have any problems with the team but I know that practice is supposed to be completely focused.

"Always," Zach said. He started tickling me and I couldn't stop laughing.

The next day, Zach left for practice in the morning. I wasn't entirely awake, so I waited to go. I ate lunch and then left to go to Arrowhead. I walked into the stadium and they let me through. They were running drills on the field so I went to see Coach Reid. "Violeta, lovely to see you as always," he greeted me.

"Thanks, Coach," I responded. "So how we looking this season?" I asked him. I knew that I would get a filtered response but I figured it was worth a shot.

"Well, we could look better but I think that this team is getting great.  You know that all teams need to be a unit and I don't think we are quite there yet," Coach Reid explained.  I smiled and let my eyes move around the field.  They looked good but these were just drills. 

"Individual success means nothing in a team sport," I sighed and Coach Reid knew what I meant. 

"What adventures are on your list this season?" Coach asked me. 

"I want to stay in KC for a while.  Other than games of course.  I will probably record a new album and I am attempting to solve a girls lacrosse problem but we'll see how it goes," I explained to him and he had the biggest smile on his face. 

"You really are just a ball of selfless ambition," Coach Reid mused and I looked at him confused.  "No one does what you do.  You have dedicated your entire life to making other peoples lives easier and somehow, you still maintain the same level of ambition," he continued.  I had never really thought about how much I was doing all that mattered was that it needed to be done.  

I hung out with the team and I noticed that they all wanted to get to know me.  They asked me question after question never getting bored of my answers. 

Travis POV

The guys on the team consider Vi their sister and it is my favorite thing.  They want to know every second of her life and they want to know what makes her who she is.  I know that Vi lives to have people who care about her around her and she truly deserves to have this kind of support. 

I wondered if this would ever happen with someone else.

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