In love and War

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The next day, I was sitting on the couch waiting for the New Heights episode to post and I got a text from Taylor He's onto me.  I froze, she needed to keep him in the dark until the episode was published.  I texted her back Come over.  I waited a second before I typed NOW.  

About ten minutes later, Taylor strolled into the house and sat down next to me.  "How did you get caught?" I asked and she looked at Zach, who was at the kitchen island.  

"SOMEONE," she said loud enough that Zach turned around, "Didn't keep Travis out of the house long enough so he saw me walking out of his office.  I lied to him yesterday and he dropped it but he started asking every other sentence."  I shook my head at Zach and he put his hands up.  

"You wouldn't even tell me why I was distracting him, how was I supposed to know how long to keep him away?" Zach asked.  

"Distracting me?" Travis asked and I jumped.  All of our eyes were drawn to Travis who was leaning on the wall near the entrance to get into the living room.  

"No," Taylor said and Zach just started laughing.  

"I just heard it like I saw you come out of my office you can't just say no," Travis said and then I started laughing.  

"Did you really just say no?" I asked in between laughs and she nudged me a little but because I was laughing, I fell back.  

"So what are we hiding from me?" Travis asked and neither of us said a word.  It was way to close to be telling him now.  

"You aren't getting anything out of them, I have no idea what's going on but it was pretty well planned other than well me but whatever," Zach said and I stood up.  

"Actually, it was perfectly planned.  You just don't how to follow instructions," I said and he looked at me annoyed.  

"Would you like to say that again, Firefly?" Zach asked.  I shook my head and I sat back down.  I heard Travis groan.  

"She is messing with me," Travis said.  Taylor and Zach both looked confused.  "The only time Vi backs down is when she is pranking someone and based on context I would go me," Travis explained to the two of them.  I had a tendency to say things out f anger so I had learned not to get involved when I was messing with people.  

"You really have that down to a science," I growled and he smiled.  

"I have to with a genius like you around," Travis laced a compliment in his insult.  Something that he had learned to do after I almost knocked him out one time when we were 7 after he insulted me.  I turned my phone over in my hand to check the time when a text popped up in Kylie, Taylor, and I's group chat now named Takeover.  It's posted!  

"Takeover," I whispered and Taylor took her phone out to check her notifications.  Travis looked at the two of us confused but he just sat down and was talking to Zach.  He gave up faster than I thought he would.  At some point, the boys moved to the living room and for around an hour we were talking before Jason facetimed Travis.  

"Hey Jason, is there something wrong with the podcast?" Travis asked and I could hear Jason laughing through the phone.  

"Something like that," Jason said after he was composed.  Taylor and I couldn't contain our laughter.  Travis looked at the two of us before he looked back at Jason.  

"What did they do?" Travis asked and I could hear Kylie through the phone.  

"Watch the episode," Kylie yelled and Travis looked at me and Taylor.  

"Sure thing, Kylie.  I'll call you back," Travis said as he hung up.  I watched him pull up the new episode on my TV and the second it started playing it was a black screen.  As soon as you heard the three of us say 'TAKEOVER', the screen lightened out and you could see all of our faces.  Travis paused it.  "How did you do that?" Travis asked and Taylor looked at me.  I shrugged and Travis just stared.  

"Rules were made to break," I said and Travis laughed accepting that as an answer.  He unpaused it and we watched the whole thing.  The second it was over, Travis called Jason again.  

"Hey, you watch it?" Jason asked.  

"Yeah, I think that they are better than us," Travis admitted.  

"Speak for yourself, I should fire you and hire Taylor," Jason said and Travis laughed.  "Am I leaving this up or?" Jason asked.  

"I think you should rename it and post ours too," Travis said.  

"Sure, what should I rename it?" Jason asked and Travis looked at us.  

"Takeover," we said at the same time and then we laughed.  

"I heard them.  I will get on that also Wyatt told me to tell you that Vi is more fun then you," Jason said and then he hung up without another word.  I looked at Travis's annoyed face.  

"I am so getting you back for this, Vi," Travis said standing up.  

"Why aren't you threatening your girlfriend, she helped," I asked and Travis looked at Taylor who shifted uncomfortably on the couch.  

"I imagine the same reason why Zach hasn't said anything.  We are leaving," Travis said offering Taylor his hand.  She took it and looked at me with a non apologetic look.  

"BYE," I shouted and turned to Zach.  "Hey," I said really slowly.  

"Why wasn't I in on your scheme?" Zach asked.  

"You really want me to answer that?" I asked.  He was terrible at keeping secrets from Travis, actually most people were.  It was like impossible to lie to him.  He took a few steps towards me.  

"No," he said.  He started tickling me and I immediately started giggling uncontrollably.  Zach knew that he couldn't beat me when it came to words so when he had realized that I was extremely ticklish, he took full advantage.  

"Stop," I said between giggles.  I tried to get away from him but he is stronger than I am so it didn't work.  "Sorry," I finally said and he stopped and kissed me.  

"That wasn't so hard was it?" he asked with a smirk and I rolled my eyes.  

Rules were made to breakOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora