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After Zach and Travis landed the next day, they both came over to Jason's house. I knew that there was a good chance Zach already told Travis. I was talking to Kylie when I heard Wy yell "Uncy Travy." She was the cutest thing and definitely playing both of us.

Zach walked in. "Hey Kylie, Vi," he said as he walked in.

"Hey Zach. How much trouble have you and Travis caused in the one day that I wasn't there," I asked. He started laughing before slowly walking out the room.

"I mean there is a chance that they caused no trouble," Kylie tried. I looked at her and she started laughing. "There is no way your house is still in one piece," Kylie admitted. We ate dinner and caught up with each other before Jason started staring at me.

When he realized that I wasn't going to say anything he cleared his throat. Everyone turned to look at him. "What's the announcement?" Jason asked still looking at me. I smirked.

"What announcement?" I asked and Jason looked livid. I laughed before Zach interrupted me.

"Okay stop messing with them," he said and I told him that he could say it. "Vi is pregnant," he paused long enough for that to set in before he said, "with twins."

"What?" Jason and Travis said at the same time. Kylie had the biggest smile on her face.

She hugged me and whispered, "I guess you didn't give it away." I laughed. Travis and Jason both congratulated me and there were a lot of names being thrown around. I was just sitting back and enjoying the fact that we were all together because it didn't happen often.

"Hey Travis, can I talk to you for a sec," I asked him. He was confused but he got up and followed me. "Look I don't know how close you and Taylor are but if you could not mention any of this that would be great," I said. I was really hoping that he would just agree and let it go.

"You didn't tell Taylor?" Travis asked me and I shook my head. "Why wouldn't you tell her?" He asked.

"It's complicated," is all I said before I walked away. When I rounded the corner, Zach was standing there. I knew that he heard everything that I said but he still didn't know about Taylor's accident and I didn't want to bring it up. I walked past him without saying anything, hoping that he would at least wait to bring it up.

We left to go back to the hotel, and it was a pleasant car ride. Neither of them brought up Taylor and I thought they both forgot about it. I was wrong. "Firefly, why haven't you told Taylor you're pregnant?" Zach asked. I was taking my makeup off and he was standing in the doorway to the bathroom.

"It's complicated," I repeated what I said to Travis.

"The political answer," Zach stated. He knew what I was doing and normally I love that he knows exactly what's going through my head but right now it was a pain. I went to say something but he started talking again.  "If you don't want to tell the truth then I don't want you to talk.  If there is one thing that I have learned it's how to think the way that you do.  There is only one reason you would tell Taylor and that's because you think it would hurt her."

I went to walk out of the bathroom and he moved so that he was blocking the whole door way.  I rolled my eyes and sat down on the sink counter.  "The only thing I can think of that would make you think it would upset Taylor is if Taylor has lost a child.  But that would've made national news unless," he paused and looked at me.  "Taylor had a miscarriage."  I didn't react at all, it wasn't my story to tell.  Zach walked over to me and put his finger under my chin forcing me to look at him. 

"It will never be my story to tell, Zach," I told him and he smiled. 

"She is your best friend, she will be happy for you.  I really don't think you want her to find out with the rest of the world," Zach said.  He picked up my phone and dialed Taylor's number putting it on speaker. 

Hey Vi!  What's up?

How's your tour going?  I asked and Zach glared at me. 

Pretty good.  I wish I had more time to spend with you and Travis but I always make it work. 

Same.  I actually have something to tell you. 

A good something or bad?

I am pregnant

OMG That's amazing!  Vi you are going to be an amazing mom!  I could hear Taylor's voice breaking a little but she was doing a good job hiding it.  You waited to tell me didn't you?

Yeah I'm sorry I just-

You don't have to apologize.  Vi, I am beyond happy for you.  You stood by me when everything happened and I plan to do the same. 

Thank you Taylor.  I should probably add that it's twins

You're joking?  That's amazing!  Tell Zach I said congratulations.  I really am happy for both of you. 

Bye, Tay

Good bye Violeta. 

Zach hung up the phone.  He kissed me and carried me to bed.  We went to sleep and Zach didn't let me think about anything.  I honestly regretted not telling Taylor sooner.  She was always nothing but supportive, just like always. 

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