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"Okay, everyone go back to your homes.  I am fine and really don't need any of you sticking round to watch me sleep," I stated.  They all looked at me like I was crazy, "Now."  There were arguments but I put all of them down.  

Eventually, they all started leaving.  Leaving Taylor and Travis with me.  "I don't want to leave you," Travis stated.  

"You should be in KC, Trav.  I will be fine and I will call you if anything changes, promise," I told him and he rolled his eyes.  He walked over and hugged me.  

"Bye, Vi.  I hope you feel better," he turned to Taylor.  "Not exactly the best circumstances, but it was nice to meet you," he stated and I could see a sparkle in his eyes.  

"It was nice meeting you too, Travis," Taylor stated and he walked out of the room.  I looked at her and raised my eyebrows.  "I have a boyfriend," was all she said.  

"Shouldn't you be going?" I asked her and she sat back.  

"You are absolutely crazy if you think that I would leave you while you're still in the hospital," Taylor stated.  

"Don't you have something that you should be doing?" I asked her.  

"Taking care of my best friend," she spoke in monotone.  I couldn't even argue because that was so nice and I know that she technically doesn't have to work everyday.  Taylor and I spent the next few days playing cards and catching up on each other's lives.

"Violeta, good news.  You are officially free to leave," the nurse stated.  

"Finally, I am seriously sick of this place," I celebrated.  "No offense," I quickly added.  The nurse laughed.  

"None taken," the nurse responded.  I packed up my stuff and Taylor drove me back Kayley and I's apartment.  It was the weekend of the nominations so I figured that Kayley wouldn't be there.  I texted my family and Lana to update them on my release.  I opened the door that wasn't locked and Taylor was right behind me.  

"Vi?" I heard Kayley question.  Before I could even react, Kayley was hugging me and I laughed a little.  

"It's good to see you too.  Shouldn't you be at the nominations?" I asked her and she sighed.  

"I couldn't do it.  I have never been to one without you," Kayley practically whispered.  I smiled and hugged her again.  Taylor's flight was the next day so the three of us hung out.  Kayley and Taylor became better antiquated.  

There was a knock on the door the next morning.  "Coming," I yelled as I very slowly got out of bed.  I opened the door and was engulfed in a hug.  

"I am so happy you're okay," coach said.  I let her come in and we were sitting on the coach, I informed her of my condition and told her that I could never play again.  She hugged me and apologized for everything that happened.  "This is probably not a good thing but I came here t inform you and Kayley of your nominations.  Best offense, defense, and you were both nominated for player of the year," coach explained.  Taylor walked out of my room and my coach looked between the two of us confused.  

"Sorry, didn't know anyone was here but you should probably see this," Taylor said walking over and showing me her phone.  Apparently, every major news outlet was saying that I was dead.  

"I should probably do something about that," I laughed a little.  "It can wait until tomorrow," I added.  

"So, what are you planning to do now that you can't play lacrosse," Coach asked me and I shrugged.  "You should consider releasing an album.  I mean you have a ton of songs that you have written for class and you have the popularity," coach suggested.  I actually didn't hate that idea.  

"WHAT?  You have written and recorded full songs?  How have I never heard any of them?" Taylor started asking too many questions. 

"Are we talking about Violeta's music?" Kayley asked walking out with my laptop in her hands.  Coach got a text message.  

"Sorry, I have to go.  Again, so glad that you are okay.  Bye," Coach said as she left.  The second the door shut, Taylor snatched my laptop from Kayley and unlocked it.  To which she started playing the songs.  She played every last one.  

"Your voice is amazing, Vi.  You should release these and there's enough for like 3 albums so you can pick and choose which ones you like to release.  I really think that you should," Taylor was attempting to convince me.

"I have been saying that sine freshman year.  Her voice is insanely good," Kayley jumped on and I rolled my eyes.  

"Guys, slow down.  Music is all I have left now that I can't play sports so I probably will but I think that I want to graduate first," I explained.  They both hugged me.  "However, I will not be picking the songs," I paused and looked at Kayley and then Taylor.  They both smiled and then started talking way to fast for me to follow.  Eventually, they both decided on 12 songs and they started naming them because I hadn't done that.  

"Shoot," Taylor sighed after she picked up her phone.  "I have to go get on a plane," Taylor whined.  "Keep me updated.  Bye," she added.  

"Bye," Kayley and I said at the same time.  Taylor smiled before she left and Kayley looked at me with a serious expression.  

"She is amazing and we need an album cover," Kayley stated.  I started laughing.  

"Wait, what do you mean album cover?  When did I actually agree to do this right now?" I asked her in between my laughs.  

"You agreed the second Taylor told you to do it which is why she is amazing," Kayley explained like it was the most obvious thing.  

"I did no such thing," I stated but I still had a smile on my face and knew that I wasn't talking myself out of this.  

"Fine," Kayley stated as she typed my name into google.  

"What are you doing?" I asked her and she just smirked before she pulled up a picture.  My freshman lacrosse photo shoot.  Kayley and I messed around a lot during that photo shoot and there were a ton of funny photos.  In the one that she pulled up, I was attempting to kick the camera and it put my shoe in focus.  The rest of me was blurred out.  

"So, to put my graphic design classes to work," she stated. She pulled the picture into Photoshop and added purple smoke.  She also used fonts to write the name that her and Taylor decided on when I wasn't watching.  I have no idea how I didn't notice.  They chose 'Elevate' and she also added my name.  I loved it but I would never admit it.  

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