Chapter 5: Ouroboros

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A drifter suddenly rushing into the forest like a lunatic early in the morning was already unusual.
With the addition that the other party probably suffered from some sort of disease and his appearance was too terrible, everyone present was rendered speechless.

Song Qinglan took the flashlight in Ji Yushi’s hands and turned it off.
Once again falling into darkness, Ji Yushi heard him say, “Alright, I should’ve checked my fortune for today before leaving. To think that we broke the record of being discovered by the original residents of the land the fastest. No one is allowed to report about this when we go back. If we get any more points deducted, those bastards in the ninth squad will surpass us.”

Ji Yushi: “………..”

Song Qinglan’s tone was the same as usual, pulling everyone out of the strange atmosphere.
It was a reminder to them: They are Guardians and are currently in a time and space where they shouldn’t be.

“For now, leave that person nearby. Someone will naturally find him and call the police.” Song Qinglan said, “We can’t see anything in this darkness so we will need to get out of here to find a way to contact the Tianqiong in this time period. When we go out, pay attention to your surroundings. Be very vigilant as you may come across a murder scene.”
Everyone: “Yes sir.”

Before leaving, they distributed the weapons as per usual.
Zhou Mingxuan opened the storage which carried long and short guns, daggers, sabres, everything. Guardians would always have the most advanced weapons, and everyone has their own preferences. It was necessary to be prepared as anything could happen.
It was Ji Yushi’s first time carrying a weapon during a mission. When it was his turn, he chose a pistol he had often used lately in the training rooms.
The body of the gun was silvery white and the gun itself was small and easy to carry and hide.

“Diamond Bird.” Song Qinglan stood beside him and said the guns name, “Designed after the PPK style from the last century, Hitler and Bond have used it. Advisor Ji, you are very retro.”

“What?” Ji Yushi didn’t understand. Just a single gun and he could tell that he’s retro?

Song Qinglan however didn’t explain why he said this. He just said, “If it was me, I would try to choose something that can protect myself better. But it suits you.”

Ji Yushi: “……..” He knows that there are people who call the Diamond Bird a woman’s gun.

Song Qinglan was proficient with close combat and his firm and well-proportioned muscles also proved this point.
He methodically picked up two military knives first , strapping it to his calf, and the picked up a pair of gloves, a pair of fist hooks and a shotgun.

Shen Mian (trans: lit. God Sleep)
—— That was the name of this gun. It wasn’t light in weight and it has great lethality. Just like the feeling Song Qinglan gives people, it was unruly, domineering and hard to ignore.

After selecting their weapons, Song Qinglan asked, “Weapons should be used when they need to be used. It is best that they don’t leave your side, but do you know what you should say if you are discovered by the original residents?”
His dark eyes moved over to Ji Yushi. There seemed to be a hint of teasing in his tone, “Tell them you are the police.”


Walking out the forest, everyone saw that the place they had arrived at was a park.
Song Qinglan was right. Just as they reached the main road by the park, they found a corpse under the streetlamp. Although they say that it was a corpse, it actually wasn’t a complete one and only half was left. The wound looked like it had been bitten by some animal, which quickly reminded them of that crazy drifter.
Combining this with those pieces of flesh on the drifter just now, everyone felt a little sick.
Could this person have been eaten?

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