Chapter 72: Rubik's Cube

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After they left the room, Song Qinglan really went back?
What did Song Qinglan hear?
Would he ask about it? Or would there be more misunderstandings like the misunderstanding with the three boyfriends?

His eyelids still twitching, Ji Yushi's heart raced chaotically.
The fingers hanging by his side quietly curled up, but his expression was the same as usual. He responded calmly, "Oh."

"Thanks to the recording function, I managed to learn that you decided to continue towards the centre block. We would've wasted a lot of time otherwise." Song Qinglan quickly continued, "Got separated from Lin Xinlan?"

Ji Yushi: "......."
He and Lin Xinlan had waited for Song Qinglan in that room for at least twenty minutes. It was only when more and more traversers were moving around them did they decide to leave.

It turned out that the situation in the room Song Qinglan saw was just before he and Lin Xinlan left, not when they first entered the room.

The curled fingers slowly relaxed.
Ji Yushi was relieved inside but there was also a faint sense of disappointment.
Fortunately, he was someone who knew what he could and couldn't do. He replied as usual, "Yes. We encountered a time difference and got separated."

Song Qinglan declined to comment on this. Lin Xinlan getting separated from them didn't affect their mission.

"These recordings can help us distinguish the time sequences. Coupled with the rules behind the movement of the rooms, we can go to each room with different time differences and leave traces behind. It shouldn't be too difficult putting them together." Song Qinglan said, "We should be able to get out of this mission soon."

Ji Yushi: "Yes."

Song Qinglan raised his lips and smiled handsomely, "Looks like Tianqiong was right about us having the highest chance in succeeding."
After saying that, he glanced at Ji Yushi again. His eyes were deep, "Because we have Advisor Ji."

Ji Yushi turned away and caught up with the two people gossiping ahead.
Compared to chatting with a steel straight man, he would rather listen to gossip.

The lights shone brightly in the dark. The cubes of different time and space fragments merged and recombined with the movement of countless traversers, changing nonstop.
Everyone walked towards a large purple cube. Duan Wen reached over.

The walls seem to have no physical body. Duan Wen's hand didn't touch anything.
Following that, Duan Wen lifted his leg and stepped in through the wall just like how he did when he first came out of his capsule.

The others also followed after him one after another. It was as if a game was slowly loading characters on a screen.
The surroundings became bright again. Everything was pure white except for the purple ball floating in the centre of the room. They retrieved the purple ball and opened the hole on the wall they had just entered from.

What they saw on the other end was no longer the darkness from earlier. It had instead changed back to the normal centre block with a black ball suspended in the air.

This mission was too abstract. Everyone who had gone through several fantastical journeys still couldn't help but express their surprise and awe.
"Someone has been in this room." Ji Yushi saw the strange marks on the floor, "It is already an integrated room."

Duan Wen bent down and counted, "Nine. Does it mean that at least nine rooms have been joined?"
Ji Yushi: "Something like that."

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"Haa, the people crossing through the rooms have just been busy doing nothing. They probably would have never imagined that it was referring to joining like this." Zhou Mingxuan sighed, "We must have also unknowingly joined quite a few rooms ourselves."

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