Chapter 45: Who Am I

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Ji Yushi also raised a cat?

But that wasn’t the main point. Song Qinglan didn’t want to run into other people. He confirmed it with Ji Yushi, “That’s good. No one would come and find you, right?”
Ji Yushi was puzzled, “Who would come?”

Song Qinglan said, “Those three bo—–”
He stopped. He felt that it wasn’t appropriate using the term ‘boyfriend’ to describe those relationships, so he changed it to the term ‘male friends’.

Song Qinglan originally thought the ‘very clingy one at home’ only referred to one and that was why Ji Yushi wasn’t too keen on joining the Seventh squad. As a result, he didn’t want to force Ji Yushi and wanted to let him make his own decision. If he was really reluctant to part and didn’t want to join the Seventh squad, then so be it, but ever since he found out that it wasn’t one but three, he knew that these relationships weren’t healthy. Lin Xinglan from the ninth squad for example also had a very messy private life.
But Ji Yushi was different. With Song Qinglan here, regardless of whether or not Ji Yushi himself felt that those relationships were healthy, he couldn’t agree with such a lifestyle.

Ji Yushi’s pupils dilated slightly, “……..”
Three male friends?

Song Qinglan spoke coldly, “No matter which one it is and how clingy they are, I don’t recommend them coming over.” After saying that, he glanced at Ji Yushi, “We will be pretty busy tonight.”

Wait a minute. Ji Yushi seemed to have suddenly understood something, “Cap Song, did you think that I’m dating three boyfriends at the same time?”

Ji Yushi was shocked.
He recalled the various exchanges between himself and Song Qinglan and realised that some of the conversations may have caused some misunderstandings. But was Cap Song’s imagination too good or were all straight men like this?
Did gays really have such a bad reputation?

Song Qinglan felt that this question was a bit strange. What did he mean by ‘did you think’?

Ji Yushi stored away his shocked expression. He pressed his fist to his lips and seemed to be a little angry, but he also seemed to be holding back laughter, “Well, there were originally three but I was about to tell you this just now. My three ‘boyfriends’ have also changed into one.”

Seeing Song Qinglan’s lips pressed tightly together and expression stiff, his entire being seemed to exude reluctance to hear about homosexuality. Ji Yushi couldn’t help but see prejudice on Song Qinglan.
He now believed his so-called homophobia.

“Three changed into one, and it’s also a new one.” Ji Yushi lowered his hand and spoke slyly, “I was a little unhappy at first and was reluctant to part with the original three, but with the additional memory, I remembered how I met this new one and how deep our feelings run and found that I still like it/him very much. It/he has a sturdy build, a nice face, pressed down onto me last night until I almost couldn’t breathe and would constantly ask for hugs.” (KKnotes: Ji Yushi is saying ‘it’ but it/he/she all sound the same in Chinese.)

Song Qinglan knitted his brows, “…..”
The steel straight man Captain Song turned around and left, “No need to tell me this.”

Ji Yushi stood in place for several seconds. Song Qinglan however turned around and walked back.

Song Qinglan was more than 1.9 metres tall. With his tall height and long legs, he already gave off oppressiveness.
At this moment, his handsome and heroic face carried a bit of anger. As he walked towards Ji Yushi with a deep look in his eyes, Ji Yushi’s heart missed a beat, and he couldn’t help but take a step back.

What was Song Qinglan going to do?
Could he have taken it too far and evoked unpleasant memories of homosexual experiences?

In the quiet parking lot, there were only the two of them at this time. As soon as Ji Yushi took a step back, his back met with the door of the off-road car behind him.
The streetlights stretched out their shadows.

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