Chapter 34: Chaos

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Eat, sleep, think.
The pace in the space capsule had suddenly slowed down.
The four worked hard together. Li Chun used the remaining photo albums and cut them out into cards while Song Qinglan was in charge of drawing. Ji Yushi used these cards and began to learn Big Beard’s language.

Ji Yushi indeed had a talent for languages. All the meanings and pronunciations of the symbols only needed to be seen once to be memorised. He was pretty much like a human recorder.
With the efficiency being so high, Big Beard was very excited. Ji Yushi only planned to study two hours at a time, but Big Beard would always deliberately draw it out longer. Every time it happened; Ji Yushi felt that Big Beard was just like his class teacher from high school.

During the rest of the time, Ji Yushi and Song Qinglan would analyse their situation.
Using the time flow rate of known locations such as the rainforest, space capsule and the city, they tried to find a balancing point.
Ji Yushi had many different methods of calculation. Using his communicator to form a projection, the calculations he wrote grew and grew and became longer and longer and very soon, Song Qinglan couldn’t keep up.

There was no sun here. Except for the clock which was still running, it was difficult for them to tell when it was time to rest.
Occasionally, Song Qinglan would find Ji Yushi asleep at the table.
Ji Yushi’s desire to return back to their time was very strong.

At the ‘transfer station’, the Tianqiong system once responded to the question of why they were chosen: Their chance of success was higher than the average across all guardian squads.
Song Qinglan knew that this chance of success had a lot to do with Ji Yushi joining their squad.

In the afternoon two days later, Zhou Mingxuan really fell onto the mountain of garbage.
Following the earth-shattering noise, Big Beard got his chain and cart ready in preparation to pick up more garbage.
Song Qinglan went with him. When Big Beard was about to tie Zhou Mingxuan up with the chain, Song Qinglan stopped him, “Don’t. I’ll do it myself. Anyone who passes through you would have lost a layer of their skin.”

Big Beard didn’t understand but he could guess Song Qinglan’s meaning. He blew his beard and said, “Mengkalawuliqi!”
After saying that, he turned around and left.

Song Qinglan didn’t know why this big guy was angry, but he didn’t pay much heed to the other party’s strangeness. He picked up Zhou Mingxuan and placed him in the cart. On the way back, Zhou Mingxuan opened his eyes in daze.
Zhou Mingxuan’s physical fitness wasn’t bad. Although he couldn’t move at such a low temperature, he could still speak, “Cap Song…..Why is it so dark?”
After speaking, he fell unconscious again.

Aurora flashed. Glowing flowers bloomed on both sides of the road. Song Qinglan suddenly had a thought.

Back at the space capsule, Li Chun excitedly rushed up to settle Zhou Mingxuan down. The big guy however was nowhere in sight.

Ji Yushi was still writing out formulas and there was a pot of coffee next to him.

“Cap Song.” Ji Yushi raised his head, “What’s wrong?”

Song Qinglan was still standing. From his perspective, Ji Yushi’s act of raising his head to look up at him made his eyes even rounder and more vivid.
Inadvertently, Song Qinglan felt a strange feeling inside him again.

He restrained those emotions and sat down next to Ji Yushi, “Our mission is the Repairer of Time. To put it simply, it is to fix the loopholes in time. Is it possible that this mission has nothing to do with the flow of time?”

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The two sat side by side. Ji Yushi showed a puzzled expression, “Has nothing to do with the flow of time?”

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