Chapter 94: Closed Cycle

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[1451.11.22 23:35:47]
Ning City.
Outside Venus Bar.

Drunk people noisily left through the bar's back door. Under the neon lights, someone noticed a man leaning near the door.

The man was smoking a cigarette and wearing a rather outdated windbreaker. He looked like someone who had come from who knows what era. That person however was simply a person born for clothes. His enviable height and near perfect proportions made even clothes like this appear different on him, even making it look several degrees more attractive.
Unfortunately when one follows the clothes and look up, his face was hidden in the shadows.

Meeting such a man here, even if they couldn't see his face clearly, it was enough for the more daring people to come forward and strike up a conversation.

"Handsome." A young man with dyed chestnut coloured hair walked over. His pants hung loosely around his waist, revealing his thin hip bones, "Wanna hook up?"

A red ball of flame flashed between the man's slender fingers.
A ring of smoke escaped from his mouth.
"Not interested."

The other party's voice was also very pleasant to hear. It wasn't too thick and was instead a very sensual mid-bass that carried a slight resonance. It was enough to make one's heart itch when heard.
The young man was very bold. He got a little closer and provocatively hooked his finger around the other person's belt, "Don't be so cold. Let's have some fun together. It's better than standing here alone smoking."

The hand that loosened the belt didn't leave.
It continued down like a snake. Just as he was about to deliberatly make the next move, the hand was suddenly grabbed.

The young man was caught by surprise by this sudden sharp pain on his wrist and let out a cry.

"Not interested."
The man said again. His voice was piercingly cold. He spoke mercilessly, "Scram."

The young man was thrown aside.
When he did this, the man's face that was hidden in the shadows was also exposed.

It was a very ordinary face. The eyebrows were not thick or stylish, the nose wasn't tall, and even the lips were extremely plain. Except for the pair of eyes which were quite deep, the rest of the appearance was rather disappointing. This ordinary face didn't match with the enviable figure, it was such a waste.

The young man had strong self-esteem. He was about to make a fuss after being rejected but he lost interest when he saw the face, so he cursed and left while massaging his wrist.

Venus was a gay bar in Ning City. The name sounded very gaudy, but it was actually a rather clean place.
The man however showed a look of disgust. After driving away a fly, he felt that this place was even more of a problematic place.

He extinguished the cigarette in his hand and easily flicked it into a nearby bin.

He didn't manage to wait for the person he was waiting for.
Perhaps that person won't be coming today.

He got up to leave and entered an alley with his hands in his pockets.

Ning City's early winter nights were very cold. The night winds felt like knives.
The man walked through Ning City's never-ending night, went through alley after alley, went through business district with high-rise buildings, and went through all the hustle and bustle.

He lived in a cheap hotel.
As long as he worked a simple, non-eye-catching job, he would be able to pay the rent without much trouble.

The area where the hotel was in was dark and poor. There were small vendors who opened in the early hours with tendencies to cheat people, young people struggling to make a living residing in basements as well gangsters and prostitutes running their businesses. He didn't fit in here but he also somehow blended in well.
He could hear low laughter coming from the room next door. He opened his own door and moved his hand along the damp wall to find the switch.

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