Chapter 39: Who Am I

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When Ji Yushi woke up, a few days had passed.

It was noon. Sunlight poured into the ward through the window, leaving a golden glow across the marble floor and white walls.
The sky outside was blue and cloudless. It was just a typical fine day.
How long had it been since he last saw such a sky?
Ji Yushi thought this, but for a moment he couldn’t calculate it.

The air-conditioning in the ward was sufficient. Ji Yushi even had a thin blanket covering him. A needle was inserted into the back of his right hand and fluid slowly entered his veins.
The sequelae of the transition this time was too strong, causing Ji Yushi to be left in a state of shock for a while. Fortunately, his body had undergone many transitions before, and it was able to recover following the administration of first aid. Ji Yushi however found that he was so tired, he didn’t even want to lift a single finger while he laid in the soft bed.

[1456.06.15 14:51:40]
Ji Yushi recalled the time coordinates he saw when he returned.
They had set off on Star Era May 17th, 1456. He didn’t expect that a month would have passed since their departure. During that month where all contact was lost, it was likely very difficult for the people in Jiang City as well as his family.

The nurse came to check on him and also brought along some food.

Congee that was cooled to the right temperature and refreshing and delicious side dishes. All of them made Ji Yushi’s index finger move. Except for the meal he had an impression of at the ‘transfer station’, he hadn’t had hot food in a long time. What’s more, that meal also was just an illusion.
His empty stomach was gently soothed by the warm congee and his numb tastebuds were reawakened by the side dishes.
With the sunlight and the blue sky outside the window, Ji Yushi slowly ate and then relaxed completely.

“Knock, knock.”
There was a knock on the door.

Ji Yushi said, “Come in.”

The door opened a crack. The person who stuck his head in was Li Chun, “Advisor Ji! You’re awake!”

Li Chun had already returned to his energetic self. Without the black combat uniform, he looked even younger. He sat on the chair next to the bed without any hesitation, “I guessed that you would wake up around this time. When I asked the nurse just now, sure enough!”

Ji Yushi, “Everyone is okay?”
Li Chun, “They’re fine! We all woke up a little earlier than you, but it’s also not much earlier!”

Please read this from kk translates

Li Chun was in the ward next door. He told Ji Yushi that everyone was suffering from varying degrees of sequelae and were all sent to the Tianqiong Medical Centre.
In addition to the two of them, the other teammates were also staying on this floor, but the nurses didn’t allow them to visit at the same time.

Li Chun sighed, “Doesn’t seem real!”
He stretched out his arm and showed Ji Yushi his bruised arm, “When I first woke up, I pinched myself hard a few times before I could believe that everything wasn’t just an illusion. Fucking felt like a nightmare.”

Ji Yushi wanted to say that if it really were an illusion, the pain and the injuries would naturally also be included in that, but he held himself back.

In fact, Ji Yushi also couldn’t believe that they could return so easily. Everything however was within reason.
Through his observations, the so-called ‘Tianqiong self-awareness’ shouldn’t have the ability to make the illusions so realistic and humane. Most importantly, the Tianqiong and command centre belonging to their era was in fact far more powerful than they realised. It was only a matter of time for them to be able to find them and successfully intercept their next transition.
If it was any later, even Ji Yushi would think that the command centre was incompetent.

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