Cell Block Tango

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Veneer never thought he would find himself sitting in a jail cell, but here he was, sitting in a jail cell. He hadn't spoken to Velvet for quite some time, but that's not to say he hadn't tried to. She was still pretty upset with him for exposing them. Veneer had tried to apologize to her multiple times, but she stayed mad at him. She was also upset that her sentence had been longer than his, with her getting 6 months and Veneer getting 2. But he tried to stay upbeat and happy.

Veneer was sitting out in the yard, mindlessly daydreaming. He didn't have any friends and didn't feel like making any, and with him getting out so soon he decided it would be best to wait. He just wished Velvet would forgive him, because then he would have someone to talk to.

He was pulled out of his daydream by the guards calling his name over the speakers. He got up and walked over to the office.

"I was called over?" Veneer didn't know what to say.

"Yah, go into the room on the left." The guard working the main desk said

Veneer was confused but went into the room. Inside there was desk with a man he had never seen sitting there. He read the man's name plate and it said that he was the warden.

"Hello Veneer, have a seat."

Veneer sat down. He didn't know what he did to get here.

"I see that your confused. I just wanted to tell you that you'll be having a court hearing in two days. It will be about your release. Because you haven't gotten into any trouble we have been thinking about releasing you early."

Veneer didn't know what to think. He wanted to get out but he didn't want to leave his sister. "Umm... okay. But I'm just worried about how Velvet will do without me." He knew she would be fine, but truthfully he didn't know if he would be.

"Oh yes, well you see... Velvet hasn't been... umm... very cooperative with us."

Veneer knew that Velvet had told the guards multiple times that she didn't do anything and that trolls need to be used because they're "annoying pests" and that it's "not like Floyd cared because he would've done something other than sing emo songs". Veneer did agree about the Floyd thing but he would never tell anyone.

Veneer sighed "I know."

"Okay, thank you for coming."

Veneer nodded and stood up. He left the room and walked back to his cell. He knew he would have to tell Velvet, but he didn't know how to.

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