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Veneer left the court house and went outside. He held on to the paper that Ritz had given him and realized that he hadn't looked at it yet. He had just assumed that it was Ritz's phone number. When he opened it he realized that he was right, only that there was a little heart at the end. Veneer suddenly got hot and started to blush again. 

Veneer decided to walk to his house, which he wasn't even sure he still owned because of the whole tax-evasion thing. It wouldn't hurt to see though, right?  

When Veneer got to the house he realized that not only did he lose the house, but also everything inside. He wondered what happened to his car because his parent's bought it for him before Velvet and him left. He decided to go to the police station to see where it was. 

After walking back to the police station, Veneer walked inside and went up to the front desk. 

"Hello, I was just curious about what happened to my things?" 

"Well first I'll need to know your name." 

"Oh, sorry it's Veneer" 

"Umm" she paused to look down at her computer "Oh! Here you are! And it looks like everything that was legally bought was sent over to your parents house!" 

Now Veneer really didn't know what to do. He wanted to see his parents, but Velvet had made him leave and they weren't on the best terms. He said thank you and left. 

Veneer knew that he needed to see his parents, but he wasn't sure how it would go. The last time he saw them was the night that he and Velvet left, and things didn't exactly go smoothly. They didn't even bother to come see them in jail. But Veneer knew what he had to do. 

Veneer didn't have a ride so he had to walk to his parents house. Lucky for him it wasn't far, only 10 minutes or so. 

Veneer stood outside the door. He was nervous and didn't know what he would even say. He took his chances and rang the doorbell. 

A woman answered the door "Veneer?"

"Yah, umm ya'know what I can just leave." 

"No, please come inside" She was smiling, it looked like she was about to cry. 

The house smelled like a dentists office. Strangely, it was comforting for Veneer. It hadn't changed at all and their parents still had their baby photos on the wall. Veneer's mom lead him into the living room. 

"Have a seat, we have alot to talk about." She still looked like she was going to cry 

"I know." 

"We didn't know you were getting out so soon." 

"I got let out early for being good." Veneer still felt awkward. 

"That's good. Is Velvet still in there." 

"Yah." Veneer could see his mom relax a little after he said that. 

"Oh, well I suppose you'll be needing your car to leave. We kept it in the garage for you." 

"Thanks, but I was actually wondering if I could stay here for a few days?" It felt weird to ask this of them after walking out, but he didn't know what else to do. 

"Oh... yes of course! You're room is still set up so you can sleep up there." 

"Thank you." Veneer said, getting up to give her a hug. 

Veneer went up to his room and stayed up there until dinner. It hadn't changed at all. All the posters he had hung were still on the wall. It felt nice. 

Veneer was called downstairs for dinner, which was potato soup. He saw his dad sitting at the table. His dad walked over to him and gave him a hug. 

They all sat down and ate. It was the first home-cooked meal Veneer had had in along time.

"Thank you for everything you guys." Veneer said before heading upstairs 

"Of course." His mom gave him a hug 

Veneer got ready for bed and headed into his room. He got into bed and thought about everything that had happened. He found it easier to think without all the bright city lights, maybe he could get used to the suburbs again.   

Afterward (A Veneer prison story)Where stories live. Discover now