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Veneer sat in his car outside the prison. He knew that he had to see Velvet, but he was still scared. He was up all night thinking about what to say. What if she got mad at him? He took a breath and got out of the car. 

Veneer walked up to the front desk. "Um.. Hi. I'm here to see Velvet."

"Ok! Right this way." 

The guard led him into a room that was split in half by a window with tables underneath. Veneer sat down at the table the guard told him to and waited. 

Velvet walked in "Where are we going? Ugh. I don't want to see you." Velvet looked the other way.

Veneer frowned, he thought that maybe she would be a little happy to see him. "Oh, I can just leave." 

Velvet turned back to him. "No! I need to talk to you." 

"Umm..." Veneer was confused "Ok?" 

Velvet sat down and the guards went over to the wall to have their own conversation. Velvet looked at Veneer and started talking. "Omg Veneer I've missed you so much its been horrible without you and I'm sorry that we fought but your like the best and I'm so happy to see you and maybe you should like bail me out because you're just the best and I just love you so much." She seemed almost too sad. 

"Umm.. that was alot. But." Veneer took a breath "Before anything else, I'm sorry" 

"Yeah. But anyway how have things been because ya'know I haven't really been there with you and it would be really nice to be back with you?" 

"Things have been interesting, but its only been like two days." 

"Oh yeah, but everything just feels so slow in here." 

"I know, I know, but I really need to talk to you about something." Veneer felt bad about talking about himself, but he really needed Velvet's advice. 

"About what?" She had a cautious tone. "Because you know that I probably have to go back to my cell soon" She frowned 

"Well there's this boy and his name is Ritz and I think I might like him but I don't know and what if he's not gay or what if he doesn't like me back and I really need to know what to do." 

"Well, do you feel nervous when you're around him?"

"I'm not nervous. I'm just uncertain how things will go and therefor deeply terrified." 

"Veneer, that's called being nervous. But next question, does he make you feel like bubbly?" 

"Umm... I guess so?" 

"Ok then, you have a crush, but anyway do you think you could bail me out because I'm like really board and you're just the best so...?" 

"Umm.." Veneer wondered if she only agreed to talk to him because she needed him to do something.  "I don't know Vels. I don't have any money and I don't even know how I would ask mom and dad." 

"Wait. Mom and dad? So you left me to go stay with them!? I knew I shouldn't have trusted you." She turned away

"Vels" Veneer frowned "I know we left them, but I didn't know where else to go." 

"So you go and stay with them and leave me here." 

"I didn't mean anything by it. Please come on I want to go back to being friends." 

"No. I don't want to talk to you anymore." Velvet stood up and walked over to the door. The guards handcuffed her and took her out. 

Veneer sat at the desk, he didn't know what to do. Velvet hated him. Did she even care about his problem, she was probably just going along with it so she could move onto her problem. 

Veneer stood up and walked out to his car. He sat in the parking lot for some time before finally driving away. After pulling up in his parents driveway, he took a few deep breaths. 

Veneer walked inside to grab a quick snack and get changed, he had to pick up Ritz at one and it was already twelve. He also had to call Ritz and ask him his address. 

After putting on his new pink set and grabbing a granola bar, Veneer called Ritz.  "Hey Ritz. I was wondering what your address is?" 

"Oh, yah!" Ritz gave him his address and Veneer wrote it down. 

"Ok, I'll be there in like ten minutes!" 

"Ok, see you soon!" 

Veneer hung up and smiled, he thought that things were going really good with Ritz. He went outside and got in his car. 

After driving for a few minutes, he pulled up to the address that Ritz gave him. It was a nice house, it was also pretty big. Ritz was waiting outside for Veneer. 

He walked over to the car window "You ready to go see Crimp go to jail?" 

"You know I am!" 

Afterward (A Veneer prison story)Where stories live. Discover now