The Talk

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Veneer was beyond scared to try to tell Velvet that he was getting out. He decided to wait until the next morning so that he could think about what to say.

Veneer didn't sleep well that night. He was so worried about leaving Velvet and what he would do without her. He couldn't even remember a day without her.

The next morning Veneer walked up to Velvet, who was eating breakfast at a table by herself.

"Hey... Vels?" Veneer said awkwardly

"Ugh... I don't want to talk to you."

"I know, I know, but I need to tell you something."

"That you wreaked my life and put me in prison?"

"Welll umm no... I'm getting out tomorrow ." Veneer could feel himself getting hot.

"What!" Velvet screamed, everyone turned to look at them. "What do you mean you're getting out, why not me, I've been perfect!"

" Umm... you just yelled at the guards like yesterday."

"Ugh. I don't want to see your face anymore."

Veneer waked away. He didn't want to leave with Velvet being mad at him, but he didn't have any choice. He went back to his cell.

The rest of the day felt like forever. Veneer didn't go out to the yard because he didn't want to make Velvet feel worse. When he did go out for dinner, he noticed Velvet wasn't there. He asked one of the other inmates.

"Oh, she punched some girl because she said that she was stuck up."

"Oh, thanks" Veneer walked away and sat back down. Just then Velvet walked in, she was being escorted by a guard.

Veneer got up again and walked over to her. He was worried about what she would say but he didn't want her to hurt anyone else.

Velvet saw him and turned the other way. "I don't want to see you"

"Yah, but why did you punch some girl. It's not like you." Veneer knew that it was like her but he wanted her to feel better.

"She was a bitch and she deserved it."

"I'm sure she did, but really?"

"Yah really, now leave."

Veneer did as he was told and left. He put his dinner tray away and walked back to his cell. He knew that Velvet would be mad at him for a while, but maybe it would be better after he got out. Veneer knew that it probably wouldn't, though.

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