Ritz's Friend

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Veneer turned down the road and into Ritz's driveway. When Veneer had called him on his way there, Ritz said that his friend was already there. Veneer parked his car and took a breath, he was nervous. What if Ritz's friend didn't like him? What if she was still upset about the trolls? 

Veneer walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell. Ritz came up to the door and opened it. 

"Hey Veneer! Come in." 

Veneer smiled. "Hey Ritz." 

Veneer stepped inside and took off his shoes. He'd never been inside Ritz's house, it was nice. It was as big inside as it was outside. The walls were decorated with pictures of Ritz and his parents. Ritz led Veneer into the living room, where a girl was sitting on the couch. The living room had a nice television over a fireplace, along with two chairs. The girl was about Veneer's age, she had purple hair that was tied up into a messy bun. 

She turned to Veneer and Ritz. She had a bag of chips on her lap. "Hey! I'm Orchid! Ritz has told me so much about you." She smiled and ate a chip. 

Veneer wondered what Ritz had said about him. "Hi! I'm Veneer, Ritz has said a lot about you too." He felt awkward. 

"Yeah, I've been to one of your concerts. I went with Ritz, he was freaking out the whole time." She laughed. 

Ritz fake gasped. "Orch! Don't say that!" 

"What? You were. Whenever you would sing he would like, freak out." 

Veneer looked down and smiled. He started to blush. 

Orchid looked over at Veneer and then back to Ritz. "Lets go upstairs. Ritz you should show Veneer your room." 

Ritz looked over at Veneer and started heading over to the stairs. Orchid and Veneer followed. 

Orchid stopped Veneer on the top step, Ritz walked into his room. "You like him, right?" 

Veneer sighed. "Is it that obvious?" 

Orchid smiled. "Kinda. But it's okay! I'll help you out." 

Veneer laughed. "Sure, but don't make it too obvious, okay?" 

"I won't!" She playfully shoved him and walked inside Ritz's room. 

Ritz's room was nice. The walls were painted light blue with posters all around them, Veneer noticed that there was a poster of Velvet and him. His bed was on the back wall, he also had a desk and a small couch along the other walls. Veneer also noticed that there was a bi flag on the wall above the bed that Ritz was sitting on. 

"So, this is my room." Ritz said while awkwardly moving his hands outward. 

Orchid laughed. "Complete with his Veneer poster." She smiled and looked at Veneer. 

"Orch! I got that when I went to your concert." He was blushing.  

Veneer smiled and sat down on Ritz's bed. "I like it." 

Ritz smiled back. "Thanks." 

Orchid rolled her eyes. "Can we like... watch a movie or something? We don't need the grand tour Ritz." She smiled and looked over at Veneer. 

"Sure, what do you guys want to watch." He said while turning on his TV. 

Orchid sat down in Ritz's desk chair. "Lets watch a rom-com!" 

Ritz got a suspicious look on his face. "Okay?"  

Ritz scrolled through his TV, trying to find a movie. Eventually, after much input from Orchid, he picked one.  

They sat and watched the movie. After a few minutes Ritz grabbed a blanket and covered up Veneer and him. Ritz moved closer to Veneer and put his head on his shoulder. Veneer had to fight to keep from screaming. 

Orchid saw this and stood up. "I'm going to go to the bathroom, I'll be back in a few!" She hurried out of the room. 

Veneer felt his ears get hot, this was the perfect moment to tell Ritz how he felt. But what if it went wrong? What if Ritz didn't feel the same? Veneer took a breath and looked down at Ritz. 

"Hey Ritz? Can I tell you something?" 

Ritz paused the movie and looked up. "What is it? Is everything okay?" 

"Yeah, yeah, everything is fine." Veneer exhaled. "It's just... I like you, like a lot. And I didn't know if you liked me back or anything but Orchid said she would help me and-" 

"Veneer, I like you too."

"Really?" Veneer didn't know what to think. 

"Really. Why do you think I gave you my number in the first place? I mean, I have a picture of you on my wall." Ritz laughed. 

"So.. it's okay?" 

"Yes it's okay! I've had a crush on you for like... ever. And now to know that you feel the same, it's.. well it's great." 

Veneer pulled Ritz closer and they began to cuddle. Veneer felt all the drama of the past few months drift away. 

After a few minutes, Orchid walked back in. She quietly sat down in her chair and kept watching the movie. Veneer noticed that she kept looking at Ritz and him. 

Finally, Orchid spoke, "So... are you guys like dating or something because I really can't just stay here in silence while you guys cuddle?"

Veneer looked down at Ritz, who nodded. "Yeah, I guess we kinda are." 

Orchid muffled a scream. "Okay that's really good because I could not wait any longer." 

Ritz smiled. "Me either." 

They watched the movie and talked for the next few hours. After a while, Veneer checked his phone. "Wait, it's already 5, I have to get home. My parents are gonna be back at 6." 

Ritz frowned. "Okay, but you'll text me right?" 

"Of course! Oh, and Orchid I need your number." 

"Sure!" Orchid put her number in his phone and then walked over to the door. "I should probably get going too." 

Ritz got up. "Okay, I'll walk you guys downstairs." 

They walked downstairs and stood by the door while Veneer and Orchid put their shoes on. Orchid got up and opened the door. 

"I'm so happy this worked. I guess I'm like... Cupid or something."

Ritz and Veneer laughed. Orchid stepped outside. "Well, I'll see you guys later."

Veneer stepped out with her. "See you later." 

"Bye guys!" Ritz said while waving. 

Orchid walked down the street and Veneer walked to his car. Once Veneer had closed the door, he silently screamed. After calming down, he drove out of Ritz's driveway. All he could think about was how he was going to tell Velvet what happened.  

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