Break In?!

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Veneer was getting used to living with Velvet again. It had been almost a week since she got out of prison, and she hadn't tried to boss him around at all. Veneer was happy that things hadn't gone back to the way they were, and he was even happier that he got to see Ritz again tonight. 

Veneer hadn't been able to see Ritz as much now that Velvet was home. His parents had wanted him to "help Velvet get settled" instead of spending all his time at Ritz's. But his parents said that Ritz could come over tonight for a "sleepover" because they're "really good friends." 

After waiting for what felt like hours, Veneer heard the doorbell ring. He rushed down the stairs and opened the door. 

"Hey Ritz!" 

Ritz smiled. "Hey Veneer, ready for our sleepover?" 

 "Yeah, but let's go upstairs before my parents start to ask questions." 

"Okay," Ritz said while laughing. 

They went upstairs and walked into Veneer's room. Ritz set down his bag and sat down on Veneer's bed. Veneer was happy that Ritz felt so comfortable. 

They talked until someone knocked on the door. "Come in," Veneer said. 

Veneer's mom walked in with a plate of pizza. "I just thought I'd bring up some pizza for you guys." 

Veneer grabbed the plate and smiled. "Thanks." 

"No problem. Have fun!" 

"Yeah, thanks again!" Ritz said. 

Veneer's mom walked out and went back downstairs. Veneer and Ritz continued to talk and eat late into the night. After a while, Veneer checked the time. 

"It's already 11." 

Ritz looked up at him, "actually?" 

"Yeah, do you want to like... put on a show or something?" 

"Sure, I was kinda getting tired anyways." 

Veneer turned on his TV and they looked for something to watch. Eventually, they decided on Hot or Not - Mount Rageous. 

They judged the people on the show until they started to fall asleep. Ritz cuddled up into Veneer's arms, Veneer could hardly fall asleep. 


Veneer woke up a few hours later to something falling downstairs. Ritz felt him sit up, "what's up?" he said sleepily. 

"Something fell downstairs, no one should be awake though." 

Ritz sat up. "Do you want to go check?" 


They got up and walked out of Veneer's room. Velvet was also standing in the hallway, her hair messily pulled into a ponytail and her eye mask on top of her head. 

She yawned. "What happened?" 

"We're going to check, wanna come with?" Veneer asked. 

"What did you think I was doing?" Velvet asked, slightly annoyed. 

Velvet led the way downstairs. Veneer wondered how she could be annoyed after only waking up less than five minutes ago, but he knew how much she hated being woke up. 

The three of them carefully walked into the kitchen. "It doesn't look like anything broke," Veneer whispered. 

"Yeah, you guys go look over in the entryway and I'll look in the bathroom," Velvet said while walking towards the bathroom.

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