Only While Drunk

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My head is piecing harder than ever, my eyes flutter open and the ceiling is spinning. The cats' purr sounds 6X louder and all I want to do is sleep.

"Ughhhhh" I groan putting my head down on the pillow even harder. I feel one of the cats jump out of my stomach and a wave of nausea goes through me like a chill.

I bolt upright, not caring that Benjamin squealed as he was basically thrown to the ground. I run to the bathroom, my hand on my stomach. It couldn't take longer to reach the toilet. As I pass the counter I get a hair tie pulling my hair up fast.

I'm leaning over the toilet. My knees dug into the tile and my fingers cut the skin of my palms from holding my fist too tight. The pain from my hands and knees takes away from the nausea. My eyes feel heavy and I have to make myself stay upright above the toilet bowl.

Before I know it the shiver goes through me and I get hot, throwing up for what feels like minutes. Once I'm stable enough I sit down against the wall, taking deep breaths and keeping my eyes closed to calm myself.

I'm trying to go over last night's party but the last thing I remember was being with Travis. I mouth his name, the feeling alone makes me smile. I knew we had partied, I could have less of a clue about what happened at that party. I wouldn't be surprised if #drunktaylor was back for round 2.

My stomach felt better and I slowly let myself stand with the help of the wall and my counter. I make my way to my towel drawer and grab a washcloth wetting it with cold water that I would put on my forehead. The cold water soothes me and I take a small breath of relief, scared that the fastest of movements could cause me to puke again.

I make my way slowly to my room letting the cats rub against my feet, which are barely lifting off the ground due to how tired I am. They hop on the bed as I sit by my nightstand taking a very small sip of water.

My phone lights up and I pick it up, relieved it's not Travis. How are your supposed to tell your new boyfriend your hungover as hell. The notification was from Instagram and reluctantly I opened it. Seeing it was of me, I groan, I was already tired of whatever new news was out there about me.

On the top of my feed was a large post of me, I was close to Travis in a close circle of people I recognized but didn't know the names of. The caption said 'IS SHE ON HIS LAP!?!?😱' my stomach dropped as I zoomed in on the picture and sure enough it looked like I was. My memory was still foggy and I had no clue if it was true.

"Shit shit shit" I mumble to myself, switching to my messages, Travis had texted me good morning hours ago, making me check the time my jaw dropped seeing it was already 1pm. I chuckled at myself, pulling the washcloth back and forth on my head.

Travis: Good Morning, I had a lot of fun last night.

Me: Good afternoon, I slept in a little. Do you happen to know what exactly happened last night....?

I tried sounding like I wasn't completely hungover but I definitely was. I set my phone on my nightstand, not bothering to make my bed I drag myself to the kitchen. It's bright out and it hurts my head making me squint.

"Kitties" I say, knowing they were right behind me I gave them all food for a late lunch and very late breakfast. I lean on the island, watching them until my own stomach growls. My fridge is full but I take out the bowl of strawberries and take them back into my room with me. Looking out the windows as I pass them and admiring my decorations. I wished every day I could re decorate it, there was nothing wrong with how it was now, I just enjoy decorating.

Travis had texted my by the time I made it back in bed, I bite into a strawberry and look at his text.

Travis: a little hungover are we?

I roll my eyes

Me: only a little, I just keep seeing things on Instagram. Did I really sit on your lap, sorry if I did

I cringe at myself and continue eating my strawberries unwholesome scrolling aimlessly. Me and Travis go back and forth for hours. He teases me for drinking "not enough and still getting hungover" and I laugh every time he does. He's such a sweetheart.

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