Home Is 87

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I opened my chocolates, getting closer to Trav. My legs splayed over his and my head rested on her shoulder.

"Want to watch something?" He asks grabbing the tv remote

"Sure" his arm wraps around me and he chooses a new movie that I had wanted to watch but never had the chance.

Travis plays with my hair, it was magical how calm I because with his simple touch.  I take a breath, his smell was intoxicating. I felt bad for wanting him to hold me forever but I knew he would.

"I had fun today" I mumble in a hushed voice

"I did too, it's crazy how many people love you" his fingers massage my temple

"What's that supposed to mean" I say, only half joking

"No not like that, I know why why they do. But you never know how many people it really is until you see them. Like when I'm playing at home, I forget there's thousands of fans at home" I watch him closely as he goes on. Theres a sparkle in his eye while he talks about football.

"I guess it is pretty crazy, I'm so fortunate.
We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the fans. Literally, we wouldn't have careers" I smile, the sound of crowds come back as a memory but feels like I'm still there.

"I could myself lucky, cause look at this pretty girl" he winks at me and my face goes pink.

"But you know what I also think about?" He asks, I shake my head  "The crowds, your fans. If the NFL is famous then I don't know what you are" he nudges me, I let out a small chuckle and lead back into him.

"I wouldn't say that, but thank you" I kiss his cheeks and we keep watching the movie.

"Your more talented then you let yourself see." His hand moves from my hair to my cheek and pulls my head up a little. He kisses me, holding me there as the sound of his sighs mix with mine.

"I love you" I pull away and say, we said 'I love you' a few times before but it felt so much more real now

"I love you too" he kisses my forehead and I send my head on his sounder again, taking his hand in mine.

I listen to the sound of his breath, every once in a while he would steal one of my chocolates but I didn't mind. His hand is still wrapped around the back on my neck, his fingers tangled in my hair.

I zone out for some of the movie, my head wanders to football, the cheers, and to the Eras tour. In some ways I hold myself responsible for the chaos between me and the NFL fans. But at the same time, football is for everyone, even me.

Travis almost falls asleep a few times and I have to nudge him awake, he tell me every time that he will go back and watch what he missed but I know he won't.

Eventually his breath slows again and I know he's about to fall asleep, I let him this time. And I too, end up getting tired. My eyes feels heavy and I fix my arm which was still wrapped around his. Then finally letting myself fall asleep in his arms. The long day caught up with us both.

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