Chapter 3 - Rules & Punishments

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"ALESSIA!" Robin's terrified voice sounds from his room.

I quickly run to the room, when I enter Robin runs out and closes the door, I try to open it, but it's locked.

I sense something behind me, I turn around, and I see him smirking before I get punched in the face, kicked in the stomach several times, a knife stabbed in my leg. It stops.

I open my eyes. Allan is pointing a gun at mom and Robin in the living room.

One bang. Blood from mom's head splash like a water balloon hitting a wall, she falls hard to the ground, lying with dead open eyes with blood all over her face.

Another bang.

Something hard falls to the ground once again. Robin. I can't see anything for Allan.

He turns around looking me dead in the eyes, he steps over to me and pushes a near big shelf over me, everything turns black.

I open my eyes wide open; my breath is heavy. I sit up letting my blanket fall from my upper body, the air hits my cold sweat covered body, making it feel like walking out in the snowy cold winter in summer clothes, I pull the blanket around my shoulders and take deep breaths to calm myself down. It's the first time in a long time I have had a nightmare as bad as this. I take some deep breath in before I check the time, 7:23 am.

I get up and brush my teeth and take a shower, I stand in front of the mirror looking at my body; a big purple bruise covers my stomach from when Allan kicked it multiple times, my black eye, and my thighs where my skin is lighter than the rest because of a burning caused by him, I look at my stomach again I really need that crème for my bruises, I take my pants from yesterday and check if the note Michell wrote for me with the crèmes name is still in the pocket, I put the note back in the pocket and put on the pants along with Austin's black hoodie, I put some new make-up on to cover up my black eye.

It's now 8:16 am, I walk out of my room and knock at Robin's door, I hear a low 'come in' and I step inside.

Robin is laying on his bed under the blanket, with a white t-shirt on and morning hair, he looks relieved when he sees it's me. I sit on his bed.

"I really need to go to the pharmacy, are you okay with being here without me for a few hours?" I ask him, to my surprise he nods.

"When you are there, can you buy me some sleep medicine? I forgot mine at home and I haven't had a good night of sleep for days." Looking at the dark shadows under his eyes, I nod and give him a kiss on the forehead before I walk out again.

I pick up my phone and look for the nearest pharmacy, after that I call a taxi, it's going to be here in thirty minutes.

When I get a message that my taxi is here, I walk down to the hall and past the kitchen, I hear voices from there but decide not to disturb them, I walk outside, when I get closer to the gate it opens, and I walk over to the taxi and jump in.

The taxi smells like smoke, the chauffeur has put his dirty brown-haired in a man bun that is just as messy as his white button up shirt with food stains on it. After a couple seconds the smell of old sweat hit my nose. God he's disgusting.

I tell the chauffeur where I need to go and he drives away, he speeds down the first 200 meters before he slows down again, after that he pulls out a cigarette and light it up, and now my life depends on how good his ability to drive with his knees is.

"40 dollars," the chauffeur says. I tell him I will just go and draw some money and come right back, he sighs but before he can say anything I jump out of the car and draw out the last 100 dollars from my bank account.

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