Chapter 7 - Done!

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It's Saturday and the whole family is going shopping. I don't want to go, I want to stay in bed and do nothing, but here I am, walking down to the dining room to eat breakfast with my family.

When I get down everybody is already there but Robin. I go sit in my usual seat between Antonio and now Robin' empty seat. They greet me a good morning before they turn back to their own conversations with each other. I put some bacon, scramble eggs and a piece of toast onto my plate and start eating peacefully in my own world.

A ping sounds from my phone to indicate that I have got a message, I don't look, I already know who it is, and I don't want to talk to him, not now, not tomorrow, never. I continue eating my food when another ping sounds from my phone, and another one, my phone begins to draw attention from everyone but me. I must have received five more messages before Antonio decides to say something.

"Don't you think you should check who it is, it could be important." I sigh, picking up my phone, and like I expected eight messages from Austin. I see two of them saying:

I'm sorry

Don't ignore me!

I hate this, I hate him, I open my phone feeling the other' eyes watching my every move but ignore them and block him, I have considered it many times but couldn't make myself do it, but I have to, so I did it without a second thought, cause every time he text me, I get tempted to let him explain himself, but I can't let myself do that.

I put my phone away again and turn my attention back to my food, still feeling the other's eyes on me.

"Who was it?" Alexander question. I pretend I don't hear it, but they don't give up that easily.

"Alessia! Who was it?" Salvatore practically shouts.

"Just someone." I shrug, still my eyes on my breakfast, I see them out of the corner of my eye turn their looks towards Antonio, probably waiting for him to do something.

"Is it him from the funeral?" Antonio asks. I pause for a moment, I totally forgot that he saw him at the funeral. I nod.

Robin finally arrives and takes his seat next to me, hopefully the topic will change now.

"What did he want?" Diego asks me.

"What did who want?" Robin asks, confused.

"Someone who has messaged Alessia a lot," Matteo answers him without taking his eyes from me. Robin looks at me, but I don't meet his gaze. There is dead silence, I can feel everybody' eyes on me, why the hell can't we talk about something else.

"Is it some kind of boyfriend?" Antonio asks.

"I don't have a boyfriend," I mutter.

"Don't lie," Robin says.

"I'm not lying."

"Austin?" he asks, with a raised brow. Hearing his name makes me want to cry, but I'm not going to cry in front of everybody.

"We broke up," I say coldly, trying to seem like I don't care. Dead silence again. Robin saw Austin at the funeral when we were still together, so I know he knows our breakup is new.

I play with my food, praying for a topic change, but God never hears my prayers.

"I'm sorry... are you okay?" he asks with a sympathetic voice, it feels wrong, I'm supposed to be the one talking with a sympathetic voice for him not the other way around.

"I'm fine," I lie.

"You don't look fine" he says with a soft voice.

"Then stop looking," I snap back, I let out a deep sigh. "Sorry... I'm going to my room, come get me when we are going to the mall" I say and walk out before anyone can say anything.

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