Chapter 6 - Blood, Sweat and Tears

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Because of me we didn't go to the mall that weekend. I ruin everything. And we can't go today because Antonio and Alexander are having a meeting, and the others have some other things to do the following week and Antonio wants the whole family to go, so we do it next Saturday where no one is working or has any other plans.

After lunch I went back to sit in my bed and read a book about stars that I found in the library, while laughing and shouting sounds from the outside, Lorenz and Robin had asked me if I wanted to play with them but I refused. I just want to be alone today.

After a while a harsh yell stops me from reading about the star Vega.

"Watch Where You're Going!" I can't hear any reply, so I close my book and open my door. I can accurately hear Robin' faint voice.

"Sorry." I pull the door wide open, and I rush with fast steps towards the stairs. I turn around the corner an see a big bald man in a suit with a strong grip in Robin's elbow, Robin is holding two glasses, one with orange juice the other one is empty, I turn my look to the man' suit again, and now realize his white button-up shirt is not so white anymore.

"Let him go!" I say, walking up to him, Robin is struggling to get out of his strong grip, and tears begin to form in his eyes.

"Fuck off" the big man spit, he only take a short glance at me before he turn his look back at Robin, he open his mouth again, but I cut him off and place myself between him and my brother with crossed arms.

"Get the fuck away from my- "

"Don't talk back to me you piece of shit. Do your job. Shut up and clean up in the kitchen where you belong." I pause for a moment.

Without thinking I take the full glass of orange juice and pour it in his face, the man straightens himself to his full height before a hard slap lands across my face, I stumble a bit to the side, my hand on my cheek.

I freeze, trying to process what just happened, a moment past where nothing from the real world reaches my senses.

A disgusting smell hit my nose, I scrunch my nose and not a second after, I feel a sting on my cheek.

I feel like I have twenty elephants tap-dancing on my chest.

I walk out of the bathroom in the middle of the night, I am about to turn the lights off when I get pushed into the wall, and a slap across my face, and he walks back to bed like nothing happened.

I feel the panic, my heart beats faster, my legs are shaking, I try to breathe, but I can't.

A slap for not waking him up. I didn't know I had to.

My vision starts to blur, I walk over to the wall for support but end up sliding down into a sitting position. I pull my hair focusing on the pain in my hair instead of the pain in my mind.

A slap for being around.

Things are happening around me; People are talking but I can't hear what they say.

A slap for being me.

I hear something getting closer that sounds like twenty elephants about to join their friends' party on my chest. Loud angry voices fill my ears, but I can't understand a word of it.

A slap for just existing.

"Send him to my office, don't let him go anywhere." I manage to hear a cold harsh voice say.

Something big crouches down in front of me.

"Alessia." I can't see who it is for the white dots, it's like watching through the skin of a leopard, "Alessia look at me." I turn my head to where I think the voice is coming from.

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