Chapter 12 - Don't Touch Him!

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I wake up in an empty bed, the sun shines through the window and lights up the whole room. The window is half-open, letting the sound of singing birds in and fills my ears, but the wonderful music gets broken by the sound of an angry voice from the bathroom.

I sit up in the bed, I can see dad though the chink, he's talking into his phone, he turn his head and our eyes meet, his expression relax at the look at me, he say something in another language into the phone and hang up.

He walks over to me and takes a seat next to me. "Hey sweetheart." His voice is soft and sweet.

"Good morning," I say.
"It's actually 11 am." To be honest, I'm not even surprised, it's the best sleep I have ever had. He pulls a strand behind my ear. "How are you feeling?" he asks me. I shrug. I don't know how I'm feeling, I mostly don't want to feel anything, just forgetting everything from last night, like it never happened, let the past be past.

He let out a sigh. "Why don't you go and freshen up, and we can go down and eat lunch." I nod.

I go to my room and pull off my clothes and step into the shower, the water slide down my body, removing the disgusting hands from yesterday, but the water can't wash away the bruise of a firm grip, on my upper-arm, I look down my body, the same purple bruise on my stomach haven't disappeared, my discolored lap, marks, everything from when someone hurt me.

I step out of the shower and put on a jogging-set, and some makeup to hide my still black eye.

I walk out of the bathroom, I spot dad's blazer lying on the floor, from yesterday, I pick it up and lift it up to my nose. The smell of safety fills my lounges, and flows through my body, giving me a relaxing feeling.

A knock on my door makes me turn around, I quickly shove the blazer under the covers in my bed the moment dad peeks his head through the door.

"Are you ready?" he ask me, I nod, he hold the door for me, "you can keep the blazer if you want," he says as I walk past him, I feel my face warm, my face must be red as a tomato, he chuckle, and I can't help than let my lips tilt up into a small smile.

We walk down to lunch in silence.

I want his comforting hand on my shoulder, I want his protecting arms around me, I want to feel safe. He's the first person I have really felt safe with. Every time he's around nothing can hurt me, and the second he's gone, it ends with my tears connecting with my pillow. I slip my hand into his as we walk, and he gives it a little squeeze sending a flow of safety through my body.


Robin slips his hand into mine when a bunch of people walk inside, the next day.

Dad is welcoming everyone that walks through, Alexander and the others are hugging and talking with the youngest of them, they must be our cousins.

Two grown up men walk through, each holding their wife's hand followed by an old couple. Dad calls them mom and dad so they must be my grandparents. My grandpa greets my brothers and walks away into the living room. I frown, isn't he going to meet us.

My grandma is the first one to greet us, she comes nearly running over. She pulls Robin into a hug and kisses both his cheeks, she turns to me and grips my shoulder and looks at me before she kisses both of my cheeks and pulls me into a crushing hug, I can hardly breathe.

"You don't know how excited I have been to meet you," she says, without breaking the hug.

"Mom let her breath," she breaks the hug and I can finally breathe again, I take a deep breath making the others chuckle.

The man who told my grandma to let me go is walking towards me followed by his wife.

"Dominic, your uncle," he says, shaking my hand. "And my wife Talia," he says, nodding to a beautiful woman with bright red curly hair and freckles in her whole face. I shake hands with her while Dominic greets Robin.

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