Chapter 5 - Shatters

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Third pov.

All the light in Alessia' room is off but the blue moonlight shines through the open window, past the frame of a lonely girl looking at the sky, seeking the calm and safety from the only light in the total darkness, and lights up the room.

Robin and Alessia didn't leave Alessia's room the whole Thursday after they came back from Northern Ireland. Robin went to his own room today, leaving Alessia on her own, no one came up to her apart from when Antonio or one of her elder brothers came up with food for them, so they wouldn't have to sit down with everyone, when all they want is some piece.

The cold night air is softly kissing the cheek of Alessia as the soft breeze whizzle past her. A ping from her phone pulls her out of her temporary empty mind, the stars holding her many thoughts and worries, giving Alessia a moment of peace.

Alessia gets down from the window frame and closes the window before she leans back on the headboard on her bed and checks the message.

Unknown number?

She opens it, she has got four pictures, she looks at them confused, then she realizes what it is and her heart drops.

First picture: Austin standing very close to some chick at a party.

What is this? Alessia thinks.

Second picture: Austin is now holding her on her hip while she whispers something in his ear.

Third picture: Austin looks at the girl with so much lust in his eyes and his hand on her ass.

Tears are forming in her eyes, not believing what she's seeing.

Fourth picture: Them walking to the restroom.

Alessia sits up on the edge of the bed with her face in her hands, crying silently. Sadness of another betrayal slowly getting replaced with anger.

First, it's my dad that left us when Robin wasn't even born.

Then he didn't leave us after all, but it was our mom who lied to us our whole life.

Him, He Ruined my life, gave me trauma, and filled my life with only loneliness,

then Allan who I thought was a good person and then he suddenly kills my mom,

my friends who believed stupid rumors over their own friend and I ended up friendless,

then my boyfriend! The only one I had left! Who I trusted! My first kiss! My first love! MY FIRST FUCKING TIME!

A crying scream echoes inside Alessia' room, she throws her bedside lamp into the wall, making it shatter into pieces. she falls to her knees, crying, howling.

Diego and Matteo are sitting in Matteo's room and hearing a scream followed by something shattering against his wall. Diego and Matteo exchange worried looks before they jump up from the couch and run into Alessia's room finding her crying on her knees and pulling her hair.

Their hearts broke into more pieces than the broken lamp all over the floor.

"Get dad!" Diego orders Matteo and runs over to Alessia trying to make her stop pulling her hair and hurting herself.

"Schh... let's sit in the bed" he says with a soft voice and tries to pull her up.

She stands up but she doesn't sit on the bed, she freezes, she stares at the broken lamp on the floor. She takes herself to her temples.


Alessia starts hyperventilating.

"GET OUT! GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!" he screamed again, shortly after I heard quick footsteps down the stairs, and the front door open and close again. I really wanted to go out and check, but I was completely frozen. I heard a loud bang on my wall, and something shattered, then soft cries and begs.

No no no. She opens her eyes still with her eyes fixed on the shatters from the lamp.

No no no, I don't want to be like him. Is the only thought going through Alessia's mind, repeating itself on and on like a music remix, replaying the same part of a song before the beat drops, the difference is just that there is no beat to drop for Alessia.

Salvatore, Robin, and Lorenz are now in Alessia's room too.

"I think she's having a panic attack," Salvatore says. Antonio rushes into the room followed by Alexander.

"Get away," Antonio orders, and they obey and step away.

"No no no," she cries.

"Alessia, sweetheart look at me," he says to her, but she doesn't look at him, she keeps staring at the shatters. Antonio follows her gaze and spots the broken lamp lying all over the floor, "hey, sweetheart it's okay, it doesn't matter" Antonio tries to resurge her thinking she is afraid of him being mad over breaking something. He couldn't care less about a stupid lamp.

Alessia's hands are shaking uncontrollable, Antonio puts her hands in his, he sits on her bed and pushes her down on his lap, pulling her into a hug, holding her like a baby. He takes her hand and sets it on his chest.

"Okay sweetheart, I need you to breathe... just follow my breathing" he says, "breath in... and out. And again, breathe in... and out" he repeats. She starts to breathe probably again, but she can't stop crying from everything that had happened in her life recently, everything just bumped down on her all at once, especially her heartbreak, he was her moon, she just didn't expect him to be the dark side of it.

Antonio is hugging his daughter in his lap, he waves the other boys out, before they go out Antonio sends Alexander a look telling him to check up on Robin. He nods and walks out.

Now it's just Alessia and Antonio sitting in silence.

Antonio knows that Alessia will need more help, when she is ready for it, but for now he hopes that holding her tightly and talking to her softly is a good start in the right direction.

Antonio closes the door softly to not wake Alessia up. He goes to his office where his eldest sons are waiting.

Matteo and Diego are leaning against the wall with their arms crossed, Salvatore is sitting in a chair next to Lorenz with a comforting arm around him while Alexander is sitting next to Salvatore with his usual expressionless face. All of them with the same thoughts, with the same worry for their little sister.

Everyone looks at Antonio when he walks in, he sits in his chair behind his desk looking at his sons.

"How's Robin?" he asks Alexander.

"Shocked. He's asleep now," Antonio nods. He turns his attention to the twins.

"What happened?"

"We heard her scream, and something shattered against the wall. We thought she was hurt so we rushed in, she was kneeling to the floor, crying. I tried to make her sit in the bed but when she stood up, she froze, staring at the shatter from the lamp," Diego tells. Antonio nods again, not understanding a thing.

"What happened after we left?" Lorenz asks.

"She cried herself to sleep."

"Maybe it's just everything with Gabriella and stuff... It has only been two days since the funeral," Salvatore says.

"Yeah, you're probably right," Alexander mumbles.

"We're not going to the mall tomorrow, use the following week to get closer to them and we will go next Saturday," Antonio states, "goodnight."

Everybody nods. They say goodnight and go to bed apart from Alexander who doesn't get up.

"You too, get some sleep," Antonio says to his eldest son when everyone has left.

"We have a meeting tomorrow, I need to- "
"You need to get some sleep, end of discussion," Antonio says sternly, and Alexander gets up and leaves after saying goodnight.

Antonio sits alone in his office deep in thoughts.

What happened to my little girl?

Wordcount: 1318

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